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Conservation Minutes 8/15/2005
approved on 9/1/05

78 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749
(978) 562-2020

Martin Moran, Chairman          David Esteves, Member           Misty-Anne Marold, Member
Paul Byrne, Member              Joseph Rodrigues, Member                Judith Sabourin, Member
W. Minot Wood, Member
August 18, 2005, 7:00 P.M.

1.0     Preliminaries
1.1.    Chairman Marty Moran opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.
1.2.    Roll Call:  Marty Moran, Paul Byrne, Dave Esteves, Misty-Anne Marold, Judy Sabourin, Joe Rodrigues, and W. Minot Wood.  Conservation Agent Katrina Proctor was also in attendance.
1.3.    Additions or deletions to the agenda

2.0     Hearings and Appointments 7:00 P.M.

2.1     Continuance Notice of Intent  (DEP #190-455)
Request to Continue to 9/1/05
Applicant:  Empire Management Corp.
Location:  62 Coolidge Street
Project Description:  The project consists of the replacement of an Oil/Water Separator, the installation of 2,000 gallon underground industrial wastewater holding tank and the addition of two, car storage areas, to the existing automotive dealership.  The proposed car storage areas will add approximately 11,000 S.F. of impervious area to the site.

The applicant notified the agent and submitted a letter requesting a continuance to September 1, 2005 to allow time for the consultant review.

Proctor informed the Commission that the applicant has signed the Hudson Rules and Regulations for hiring a consultant and has sent in the check for $3000.00 to cover the consultant review.  Proctor signed a document from SEA Consultant authorizing the review.  SEA will submit the review to Commission by August 25th.

Minot Wood made a motion to continue the hearing to 9/1/05 at 7:00 PM, seconded by Joe Rodrigues with all in favor.

2.2 Notice of Intent (DEP #190-457)
        Applicant/Owner:  Todd Marsh, Paramount Construction
        Location:  Coolidge Street Map 19 Parcels 214 & 215
Project Description:  Construction of a retail store, associated parking lot and retaining walls within the Buffer Zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands.        

Steve Poole engineer Consolidated Design reviewed the revised plan dated 7/28/05.  The Plan was submitted several meetings ago.  The changes include the items that the commission previously requested.
1.      The Operation and Maintenance Plan must be a separate document. (This still remains to be done.)
2.      The Commission requires a yearly reporting requirement. (Shown on plan)
3.      Snow fence is needed. (Shown on plan)
4.      No salt is allowed on the parking area. (To be a condition of the “Order”)
5.      Submit a final planting plan with number and species. (Shown on plan)
6.      No non-native or invasive plants are allowed. (To be a condition of the “Order”)
7.      Wooden guard rail is required at the entrance to obstruct snow from being pushed into the wetlands. (Shown on plan)

Steve Poole stated that the Planning Board will have their consultant review the drainage calculations.  The project will be before the Internal Traffic Committee on August 26.  The Planning Board Site Plan Review will begin in late September.

Marty Moran stated that he would like to continue the hearing until the Planning Board pending any changes and drainage calculation review.  Steve Poole agreed to the continuance.

Marty Moran made a motion to continue the hearing to October 6th at 7:00 PM, seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.
2.3     Request for Determination (HUD#312)
Applicant:  Construction Resources, Inc.
Location:  Lot # 9 Elaine Circle
Project Description:  Construction of a single family home, including access driveway, septic system, public utilities and site grading within the buffer zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands.

Steve Poole of Consolidated Design presented the plan.  He noted that the Board of Health has approved the sewage disposal system.

Marty Moran made a motion to issue a positive determination requiring the filing of a full Notice of Intent, seconded by Judy Sabourin with all in favor.

2.4     Request for minor amendment (DEP #190-440)
Applicant:  David Petkauskos
Project Description:  Roadway construction for Elaine Circle (Zina Farms)
Modification request:  Floodplain alteration changes

Steve Poole of Consolidated Design presented the plan changes and compensatory calculations.  The changes show an increase in the compensatory storage.

Minot Wood made a motion to approve the minor change subject to the submission of a slightly revised plan which will show color and shading to better indicate the changes, seconded by Marty Moran with all in favor.

2.5     Notice of Intent (NO DEP # issued yet)
Applicant:  David J. Quinn
Project Description:  construction of a gravel access driveway from Old North road to the proposed building site of Lot #2, including work in the Buffer Zone and a “limited project” wetland crossing.

Steve Poole of Consolidated Design submitted (2) return receipts and (2) returned envelopes.

The Commission was concerned with improper abutter notification since the notice stated the proposed project is in the Town of Weston.

Steve Poole agreed that he would notify the abutters this week so that there would be timely notification to the abutters.

Minot Wood made a motion to continue the hearing to September 1, 2005 at 7:00 PM, seconded by David Esteves.

Vote was taken.

Marty Moran             in favor.
Paul Byrne              in favor.
David Esteves   in favor.
Misty-Anne Marold       in favor.
Joe Rodrigues   in favor.
Minot Wood              in favor.

Judy Sabourin   opposed.

Vote 6-1-0  Motion Passed.

2.6     Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation
Applicant:  Grace Baptist Church
Representative:  Beals Associates Inc., Cynthia O’Connell

Paul Byrne asked for clarification of the property boundary and the abutter’s list.  It was determined that Paul was not a direct abutter to the parcel under review.

Marty Moran opened the meeting.  Cynthia O’Connell submitted the “green cards”.  The Church has the property under agreement for purchase.  Ms. O’Connell asked if the Commission could also perform a review of the parcel currently owned by the church.  Proctor will speak to DEP to see if it would be necessary to have two filings given that there are 2 different parcels of property.  The Commission stated that in order to do a review of both parcels, at a minimum a revised Notice of Intent would be required with the requirement that all abutters be notified.  The applicant did not want to revise the Notice of Intent because of timing of the purchase of the property.

The Commission determined that a wetland consultant would be necessary due to the fact that the Agent is very busy with the current work flow.  The applicant agreed to pay for the Commission’s consultant.  Proctor explained the procedures for hiring a consultant.

Paul Byrne presented a plan dated 2/28/98 showing a wetland line with a 100 ft. difference.  Proctor will make a copy of the plan for the consultant.  Beals Associates will submit the ANRAD submittal to SEA Consultants.

Marty Moran made a motion to continue the hearing on September 1st, seconded by Paul Byrne with all in favor.

3.0     Work Session
3.1     Minutes
3.1.1   July 21, 2005 – Marty Moran made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.
3.1.2   August 4, 2005 – Marty Moran made a motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.
3.2     Conservation Restriction information – Proctor printed out information on Conservation Restrictions for the Commission for review and possible CR on the River’s Edge Subdivision.  Marty Moran stated that he spoke with the developer Billy Glenn about gifting the land to the Sudbury Valley Trustees (SVT).    During discussion many of the Commissioner’s felt that the town should keep the land.  After the initial discussion Billy Glenn presented ideas of working with SVT per his discussion with Marty.  He invited the Commission to attend a site visit with SVT on Tuesday at 2:00 PM.  The Commission will gather information before making a final recommendation on the property.
3.3     Vouchers – Bertram Consulting $2,275.00, Proctor reimburse for postage $23.10  Marty Moran signed the vouchers.
3.4     Certificate of Compliance
3.4.1   DEP 190-423 1 Falls Brook Rd. - table
3.4.2   DEP 190-422 3 Falls Brook Rd. - table
3.4.3   Simrah Gardens – occupancy on back building outside of WPA jurisdiction. – Katrina Proctor will perform a site visit and sign the occupancy permit if warranted.
3.5     Sign WPA permits – All permits were signed by the Commission.
3.5.1   Determination of Applicability (HUD#310) 17 Temple Ave. – fence
3.5.2   Order of Conditions (DEP 190-461) 10 Herman Circle – addition in BLSF.
3.5.3   Order of Conditions (DEP 190-456) Lake Boon – hand harvesting invasive plants
3.5.4   Order of Conditions (DEP 190-459) – 176 Lincoln St. – retaining wall
3.5.5   Order of Conditions (DEP 190-460) – Brigham St. - River’s Edge subdivision roadway
3.5.6   Order of Resource Area Delineation (DEP 190-443) Highland Commons - Coolidge St.
3.6     Planning Board Request for Comments
3.6.1   Highland Commons – Mall Project – Marty Moran took the plans for review and comment.
3.6.2   Pine View – White Pond  Rd. – noted.
3.7     Discuss Tripp Pond – Katrina Proctor explained that Dick Cadugan has been emailing and communicating a lot of information about the Tripp’s Pond project.  Cadugan spoke with the state about the Standard Operating Procedures for invasive plants. The state has told Cadugan that the procedures are for aquatic plants and not specifically useful for loosestrife.  Proctor will follow up with DEP for guidance.  In the meantime, since the flowers have not gone to seed, Proctor has allowed Cadugan to remove the loosestrife stockpiling the plants on pallets and covering with a tarp.  
3.8     Set up site visit with Bill Gould from Hudson Light & Power at Knott’s Clearing
3.9     Employee Review – Katrina Proctor anniversary Sept. 7, 2005 – Marty Moran will prepare the employee review.

4.0     Correspondence
4.1     Letter from CONCOM to PB re:  Falls Brook Rd. – The Commission requires that the disturbed areas on Riffles Lane be vegetated with sod (an appropriate grass i.e. shade or sun mix).    The Commission requires that (3) large trees be installed by the developer between the two driveways at 1 and 3 Falls Brook to replace the ones that died.
5.0     Pending – Noted.
5.1     Enforcement Order River’s Edge Zina Farms (DEP 190-0440)
5.2     Bolton Conservation Commission email/map re:  gift of land
5.3     Create an Order of Conditions inspection sign off card.
6.0     Advertisements and Conferences – Noted.
6.1     Katrina Proctor to attend American Public Health Association Annual Meeting November 5 – 9th. (Out of Office Nov. 7- Nov. 11)
7.0     Commentary
7.1     Marty Moran informed the Commission that he will not be in attendance at the September 15th meeting.
7.2     Marty Moran asked Proctor to check to see if Charter Oaks Golf Course has been submitting yearly reports.  If there is no record of reports Proctor will inquire by phone and in writing.
7.3     Danforth Woods – Marty Moran asked if the Commission wants to ask Town Meeting for money to work on the Conservation Land at Danforth Woods.  Proctor will provide Esteves with financial reports and detail on the accounts pertaining to how the money can be used.  Proctor will schedule a site visit with Eagle Scout Todd Niemi who has inquired about a project at Danforth Woods.  The Commission will invite Tony Marques to the next meeting to discuss the water survey he has allowed on the Danforth Woods parcel.
7.4     OAR River Clean up – September 17th
7.5     Misty-Anne Marold noted an erosion problem at the corner of Forest Ave and Wheeler Rd. – KP will investigate and issue a letter of enforcement
7.6     Minot Wood noted erosion problems with the driveway the next house up on Forest Ave.  Proctor will investigate and follow up as necessary.
8.0     Adjournment- Paul Byrne made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 PM, seconded by Minot Wood with all in favor.