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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 02/27/2014
Community Preservation Committee                                                        
Minutes of Meeting Held on Thursday, February 27, 2014
6:00pm, Selectmen’s Hearing Room, Hudson Town Hall

Members Present:                        Absent from Meeting:
John Parent                             Robert D’Amelio
Joseph Durant                   Minot Wood
Peter Breton                            Scott Duplisea
Arthur Redding
Jennifer Burke
Linda Ghiloni

6:00pm Continued Discussion re: potential purchase of land protected under Chapter 61 – 481 Main Street
The Committee members received copies of the Gerwick Family’s Appraisal performed by Avery Associates on Thursday, February 20, 2014 via email, at which time a meeting was called to further the discussions.

Present were Mrs. Gerwick and Mr. Mazmanian.

The Chairperson opened the meeting by indicating she had met with Mr. Mazmanian regarding their appraisal of $920,000.00 which is $177,000.00 higher than the appraisal performed by the Division of Recreation previously.  At the time of the meeting Mr. Mazmanian indicated that Mrs. Gerwick would be willing to split the difference between the two - $88,500.00 with a additional $20,000.00 for access road on his 10 Old North property.  

Mr. Mazmanian indicated that the 10 Old North Road property appraised at $125,000.00 as is and that for a 50 foot wide access (considering square footage) came out the $20,000.00.

Mr. Redding questioned the wetland over the access road, which Mr. Mazmanian stated could be replicated elsewhere on the property.

Mr. Esteves questioned the second bullet on the Avery appraisal that stated:
This appraisal has been completed using the following hypothetical conditions:
  • The value estimate is based upon the hypothetical condition that ownership of the subject 25.8+/- acres also includes a right of way for roadway access from the subject parcel through the abutting parcel at 10 Old North Road (Map 43 Lot 27).  The subject and Map 43 Lot 26 are owned by family members and are the subject of a ‘Joint Venture’ Agreement as detailed in the Addenda to this report.  Mr. Esteves believed that the appraised price included the 10 Old North access road.
Mr. Horvitz stated that the value is subject to development costs backed out of the appraisal which included all cost of developing a road, utilities, buildings, etc.  If reading the entire appraisal the road would have been deducted to come up with net sales.

Mr. Verreault questioned if 10 Old North Road is on the CPC’s agenda or was it an addendum.  Ms. Burke stated it was not and was an addendum.  Mr. Verreault also asked if the subdivision would have public open space and the number of acres.  Ms. Burke stated that approximately 13 acres would be retained for open space if the property was developed, held by a homeowners association.  It was indicated that 13 acres of open space would then be free of charge.  Ms. Ghiloni stated that most of the open space would only be accessible through what appeared to be the side and back yards of the homes.  Mr. Redding disagreed.

Mr. Redding also questioned if there were any deed restriction already on record for the property.

Ms Collins from Sudbury Valley Trustees suggested stopping the access road prior to the wetland with a small parking lot with Mr. Verreault stating that is the same as not having any access.

Mr. Quinn noted that his property’s driveway is next to SVT land that meets the gas pipeline.  Ms Collins did state that the SVT property was too wet to access from there.

Mr. Verreault recommended constructing a more cohesive comprehensive document if the Town was to acquire Mr. Hovagimians land and that the Gerwick parcel is the first step to larger open space.  Maybe a broader vision through memorandum of agreement with Quinns and Hovagimian could be an option.  Voters at Town Meeting may need to know that.

Mr. Redding suggested entering off of Main Street and replicating that wetland.  Mrs. Ghiloni stated the Main Street wetland was larger.

Mr. Parent stated that the Town should take advantage of the Old North access but not at an additional $20,000.00

Mr. Durant stated that the second appraisal is more and the landowner has asked for less but there are no promises that this is part of a larger project.  Mr. Durant will speak in favor of this at Town Meeting, since many of the Town’s plans talk about this area to preserve.  He thanked Mrs. Gerwick for asking for a price lower than the second appraisal.

Ms. Collins suggested that SVT could apply for grants, foundation grants or run a small fundraiser.

Mr. Redding voiced that the easement run with the land at the agreed upon price to which Mr. Durant stated that the second bullet was written poorly.

Mr. Parent stated that he did not support open space years ago and realizes Town Meeting with some reasonableness would look at the second appraisal as higher than Town’s first, but he is looking for a nice clean compromise.

Mr. Redding liked Ms. Collins suggestion of going a shorter distance into the access on Old North but still believed we should look at the Main Street access location to replicate that wetland.

Mr. Verreault suggested $831,500 with or without the access.

Mr. Horvitz echoed Mr. Durant and Ms Collins access

Ms. Burke asked Mrs. Gerwick and Mr. Mazmanian if they were willing to take $831,500 to with the easement road on 10 Old North Road?  Mrs. Gerwick and Mr. Mazmanian left the room to discuss and returned with a YES response.  Mr. Durant moved that $831,500 be the figure inserted in the Town Meeting Warrant to acquire 481 Main Street with access road on 10 Old North Road, seconded by Mrs. Ghiloni and carried….
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Mrs. Ghiloni requested reimbursement for the Appraisal performed (first) on the property which was paid by the Hudson Division of Recreation.
Motion made by Mr. Durant to reimburse Recreation seconded by Ms. Burke and carried….
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Motion to Adopt:        Ms. Burke               
Second:         Mr. Durant         
Vote:                   4 in Favor
                        3 abstained (Mr. D’Amelio, Mr. Davis and Mr. Longtine) – July 29, 2014