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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 01/22/2014
Community Preservation Committee                                                        
Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, January 22, 2014
7:00pm, Selectmen’s Hearing Room, Hudson Town Hall

Members Present:                        Absent from Meeting:
Peter Breton                            Arthur Redding
Minot Wood                              Robert D’Amelio
Linda Ghiloni
Jennifer Burke                                  
John Parent                                     
Joseph Durant
Scott Duplisea

Continued Discussion of Potential Purchase of Land Protected Under Chapter 61
Mr. Mazmanian stated that Mrs. Gerwick would seek a second appraisal.  Mr. Bussink said they believed that some of the discrepancies that they noted at the last meeting regarding road construction lineal foot cost estimates of $500/lf versus their two bids from contractors of $397/lf and $404/lf would bring down that figure by approximately $100/lf and the assumed tear down and rebuild of the house was $225,000 versus their estimate of $150,000 to renovate the existing structure.  The history of the 10 Old North house was brought up by Mrs. Rose and discussed briefly noting that it was called a Wilkins House as was Mrs. Gerwicks current residence. Mrs. Gerwick stated that she would like to preserve the property that is special to her.

Ms. Burke noted that with Town Meeting Warrant closing in the next week and after speaking with Town Counsel the Committee could put an Article on the Warrant until an amount can be negotiated.

Mrs. Ghiloni motioned to place an Article on the Town Meeting Warrant for May with an amount to be determined prior to the meeting, seconded by Mr. Wood and carried.
Vote:   7-0 in Favor

Mrs. Ghiloni stated the Article would contain all other standard language used in land purchases.

A meeting will be called once the second appraisal is received from the landowner who has 30 days from January 14, 2014 to provide that document.

Continued Presentation – Digitizing Historical Clipping File – Trustees of Hudson Historical Society
Mrs. Harrity and Mr. Reid presented the Committee members with a more detailed explanation of their application for hardware, software, the installation, cost of website and the scanning of the over 14000 documents on file at the Historical Society.  Mr. Reid explained that Mr. Halprin who was not present wrote the application broke down the information – Professional Level work $10,000; Semi-Professional work $28,000 and Hardware Items $2,000.

Mr. Reid explained the OMEKA software that will be installed directly on their computers to make searching Museum archives easier for the general public as opposed to Google as a search engine. The pictures and articles being scanned will pick out one significant word or name and that is where it will be stored. Additionally, the Professional Services individual hired will provide a technical manual and training sessions so volunteers to have the ability to scan information now and in the future.
Ms. Burke asked if going forward there would be other projects and Mrs. Harrity indicated that they have been asked to scan all of the old/bound Hudson Sun newspapers.  She believes that if that were the case they would send those out to be scanned and possibly ask for funding for that project.

Mr. Guidotti wanted to thank Mr. Halprin and the volunteers for all of their efforts in making the Historical Society Archives accessible to the public through the website.  They have spent a considerable number of hours sorting the 14,000 documents.

Mr. Parent stated that he appreciated the volunteers’ budget breakdown and indicated that in the future they should have their costs “nailed down” through either prior bids or costs estimates from several companies.

Mr. Breton motioned to approve the $40,000 requested from the Historic Society from Historic Preservation Funds, seconded by Mrs. Ghiloni and carried…
Vote:   7-0 in Favor

Mr. Durant motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:30pm, seconded by Mr. Duplisea and carried….
Vote:   7-0 in Favor

Motion to Adopt:        Ms. Burke               
Second:         Mr. Parent         
Vote:                   4 in Favor
                        3 abstained (Mr. D’Amelio, Mr. Longtine and Mr. Davis) – July 29, 2014