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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 08/14/2013
Community Preservation Committee                                
Minutes of Meeting Held on Wednesday, August 14, 2013
7:00pm, Conference Room 3rd Floor, Hudson Town Hall

Members Present:                        Absent from Meeting:
Minot Wood                              Peter Breton
Arthur Redding
Robert D’Amelio                         
Linda Ghiloni
Jennifer Burke                                  
John Parent                                     
Joseph Durant
Scott Duplisea

Request for Funding for Land Appraisals
Mrs. Ghiloni requested the use of Administrative Funds in the amount of $1,500 for a land appraisal for the Meer’s property on Wilkins Street.  The landowners have approached Recreation seeking their interest in the 16+- acres of property.  Questions regarding wetlands and topography were asked and the appraisal should determine the amount of usable land for future recreation interest.

Additionally, Ms. Ghiloni informed the committee of another 16+- parcel on River Street that may be of interest and she would like to have that parcel appraised at a later date.

Mr. Parent motioned to have both 16+- acres appraised using Administrative Funds, seconded by Mr. D’Amelio and carried…
Vote:   8-0 in Favor

Discussion of proposed Grant Agreement
Ms. Burke explained that Ms. Ghiloni had written up a Grant Agreement that should be used when awarding funds to organizations.  The template is taken directly from other towns and will be amended per project depending on conditions set by the committee for the actual funding award.

Mr. Duplisea motioned to use the Grant Agreement, seconded by Mr. Durant and carried…
Vote:   8-0 in Favor

Minutes of Meeting March 26, 2013
Ms. Burke requested to amend the minutes adding her name to the list of people that were not in attendance.  Mr. Parent motioned to approve minutes as amended, seconded by Mr. Durant and carried…
Vote:   5 in Favor
        3 abstained – Ms. Burke, Mr. Duplisea and Mr. D’Amelio

Motion to Adopt:        Mr. D’Amelio                    
Second:         Mr. Durant         
Vote:                   7 in Favor
                        1 abstained (Mr. Breton)