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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 08/01/2012
Community Preservation Committee                                
Minutes of Meeting Held on Tuesday, August 1, 2012
7:00pm, Selectmen’s Hearing Room, Hudson Town Hall

Members Present:
Robert D’Amelio                                 Absent:
Jennifer Burke                                  Emma Parente
Arthur Redding                                  Paul Byrne
Linda Ghiloni                                           Scott Duplisea
John Parent                                             
Joseph Durant

7:00 pm Presentation - Apsley Park Community Garden Request for Fencing, Materials and Equipment
Present from the Community Garden volunteer organization were:  Bobb Burgess, Danielle Moskowitz, and Kathy Hoffman
Mr. Burgess did a slide presentation of the garden project over the past year, noting the number of volunteers from various private sectors such as Dave’s Landscape, Lowe’s, Lamson Lumber and Grace Baptist Church who have donated materials and their time on the project.  The gardens have over 24 families – with 32 beds who live either in condos, have yards that are shaded or not large enough to support a garden. In addition to the beds there are common area plantings that are maintained by all individuals involved in the garden.
Several CPC members were impressed by the work done to improve the Loureiro land bought for conservation and passive recreation several years ago.
Discussion followed regarding the fencing request and future expansion of the garden area.  The volunteers were only considering expansion to 54 beds, but CPC members suggested that they should consider a much larger piece of the parcel for expansion to twice that size.  
Ms. Ghiloni motioned to approve their application and recommend $22,650.00 to November Town Meeting from General Reserve which will include black chain link fencing (twice the size requested), post and rail fencing, materials for additional beds, and fruit plantings for the common areas.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Redding and carried….
Vote:   5 – 1 in Favor

Presentation – Engineering for Renovations to Centennial Beach by Linda Ghiloni, Director of Recreation
Ms. Ghiloni explained that at the present time work will be performed by the DPW on improvements to the drainage on the emergency driveway at the beach which was undermined and causing runoff from the parking area, which then eroded large sections of the sand area.
This request is for Survey, Landscape Design and Civil Engineering Scope for the Picnic Grove (treed) area of the beach which has deteriorating over the years. Runoff from the parking area has removed all of the grass in the grove area. The facility was built over 40 years ago and is dire need of repairs.  This engineering scope will determine the cost of adding drainage, the replanting of trees and grass so that an application to the Community Preservation Committee for actual construction work could be determined by the next round of applications due in December 2012.  Additionally, based on cost there is a possibility of requesting money from Capital Outlay in the next budget round to share the costs of rejuvenating Centennial Beach.
Mr. D’Amilio motion to approve the application for $11,500.00 from Administrative Funds, seconded by Mr. Parent and carried…
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Approval of Minutes from June 19, 2012
Mr. D’Amelio suggested adding “acres” in first paragraph after 14.82.  Mr. Parent motioned to adopt the minutes as amended, seconded by Mr. Durant and carried….
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Motion to Adopt:        Mr. D’Amelio                    
Second:         Mr. Parent                 
Vote:                   7-0-1 in Favor – Mr. Wood abstained – January 8, 2013