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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 01/10/2012
Community Preservation Committee                                                                
Minutes of Meeting and Public Hearing Held on Tuesday, January 10, 2012
7:00pm, Selectmen’s Hearing Room – 2nd Floor, Hudson Town Hall

Members Present:
Robert D’Amelio                                 Absent:
Jennifer Burke                                  Emma Parente
Arthur Redding
Linda Ghiloni                                           
John Parent                                             
Paul Byrne
Joseph Durant
Scott Duplisea

7:00pm Community Preservation Plan
The draft of the plan was updated from last year listing projects approved for FY12.  Also include were projects completed with their expended balances and any funds that were turned back by individual projects.  Mr. D’Amelio motioned to adopt the January 2012 Update as written, seconded by Mr. Parent and carried
Vote:   8-0 in Favor

Fire Department – Main Street Station 1 Presentation
Chief Blood was present to explain additional work recommended by the architect for historic renovations at Fire Station 1 on Main Street and ongoing project that received previous funding from CPA and Capital Outlay. The two features are the Bell Tower and the Bay Window on the front left of the building. Both will be restored to their original design from the 1800’s. The windows will be opened on the Bell Tower and the Bay Window will be opened to its original size. The actual bell that is currently in the tower was from a fire station located on Felton Street that burned during the fire of 1894 and brought to the Main Street Station.  At this point that bell (no longer used) will be placed in Fire Headquarters on display for the community.
Ms. Ghiloni motioned that $37,000.00 be approved and taken from Historic Preservation to these additional renovations to Fire Station 1, seconded by Mr. Duplisea and carried…
Vote:  8-0 in favor

Mr. Redding left the room.

Downtown Traffic and Parking Feasibility Study Presentation
Michael Murphy and Charles Randall were present to discuss their project.  Ms. Ghiloni stated that unfortunately she did not see how this project fit into the Historic Preservation parameters required by the Community Preservation Act.  Ms. Burke in researching the project did contact the CPC Coalition for guidance and received information from Stuart Saginor stating “whereas the proponents describe the main goal of the project as being to determine the town of Hudson’s Downtown traffic and parking needs, rather than to preserve the historic rotary, it doesn’t seem to us that is an allowable use of CPA funds”.  With that said CPA funds can not be used to fund studies for projects that are not allowable uses of CPA funds, according to the MA Department of Revenue. Discussion followed regarding other funding alternatives.  
This committee passed over this application.

Mr. Redding returned to the room.

Gerwick Conservation Restriction – 481 Main Street Presentation
Ms. Crane, Mr. Lyons, Mrs. Gerwick and Mr. Mazmanian were present.
Ms. Crane explained the process of having the land appraised and that Mrs. Gerwick was offering the land at a bargain price ($485,000 as opposed to appraised amount of $630,000).  Ms. Ghiloni stated that she was still very uncomfortable with the agricultural piece (flag indicating section on new map) and its relation to public access.  Mr. Lyons stated that the green area, approximately 12.5 acres was agricultural and yellow, approximately 12.5 acres would be for open space.  Ms. Ghiloni stated that without written documentation regarding the agricultural use she was not in favor.  Mr. Lyons indicated that the Conservation Restriction was just like the Fossile CR.  The committee members did not have a copy of the CR that Mr. Lyons was referring to. Discussion followed regarding a number of options that the committee would prefer and the fact that this approval needed to be in conjunction with purchase of the 10 Old North Property or there would only be one parking space on Old North for public access.  Mr. Lyons requested discussion of that property at this time.

Purchase 10 Old North Road for Affordable Housing
Mr. Lyons indicated that he met with the Hudson Housing Authority and that they seemed extremely interested.  Discussion then followed regarding the potential for the use of this property for mixed use.  

Ms. Ghiloni stated that she felt the all of the options should be discussed and ironed out before applications are presented, so that the committee knew exactly what they were purchasing.  Mr. Lyons indicated that on many occasions the committees he has dealt with approve the funding then iron out the details after.

Mr. Lyons asked for a brief meeting with his clients in the outside hall.

Community Garden Request for Fencing
No members of this organization were present.  Mr. D’Amelio questioned the water quality information recently received at the well site on the Grace Baptist Church property.  Ms. Ghiloni indicated she had met with one member of the Garden that day there was some discussion about withdrawing the application, but had not heard anything else at this point in time.
The committee passed over this application.

Transfer to Municipal Affordable Housing Trust
Ms. Burke stated that the MAHT along with the Community Development Department were in the process of developing two programs – a buy down assistance program and down payment assistance program to maintain and increase the Town’s low income housing stock.  The funding requested would add monies into the MAHT accounts and be more readily available in the event that a low income property was up for sale.  The MHAT voted $100,000 to fund each of these programs leaving only $150,000 in the MAHT’s current account.  This additional request of $150,000 from CPA funding would increase that to a more stable amount.  
Mr. D’Amelio motioned to approve the $150,000 from budgeted reserve, seconded by Mr. Parent and carried…
Vote:   8-0 in Favor

Ms. Crane and Mr. Lyons returned to the room and withdrew both applications – Gerwick Conservation Restriction and Purchase 10 Old North Road for Affordable Housing.

Development of Fossile Land
Mrs. Ghiloni stated that she had made a couple of attempts at getting someone in there to level the land as an athletic playing surface.  Currently the land is very uneven and not appropriate for an athletic field.  The price she received was from an athletic field developer. Talking with her engineering firm, the amount of loam needed may be less than anticipated therefore the project could cost considerably less.  She would return any money to the CPC if that were the case.
Ms. Burke motioned to approve $140,000 from budgeted reserve, seconded by Mr. Parent and carried…
Vote:   8-0 in Favor

Mr. D’Amelio motioned to adopt the minutes of the October 31, 2011 meeting as written, seconded by Mr. Parent and carried…
Vote:   7-1 in Favor - Mr. Redding abstained

Mr. Durant motioned to approve the minutes of the November 29, 2011 meeting as written, seconded by Mr. D’Amelio and carried…
Vote:   8-0 in Favor

Motion to Adopt:        Mr. D’Amelio            
Second:         Mr. Redding     
Vote:                   6-0 in Favor June 19, 2012