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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 08/02/2011
Community Preservation Committee                                                                
Minutes of Meeting and Public Hearing Held on Tuesday, August 2, 2011
6:00pm in 3rd Floor Conference Room – Hudson Town Hall

Jennifer Burke called the meeting to order at 6:08pm

Members Present:                                                Absent:
Jennifer Burke                                          Joseph Durant
Linda Ghiloni                                                   Arthur Redding
Bob D’Amelio                                            Emma Parente
John Parent                                                     
Paul Byrne
Scott Duplisea

Application from Citizens for a Hudson Community Garden
Jennifer Atwood-Burney and Denise Reid were present to request funds to explore a location and start up of a Community Garden Project.  At present they are still investigating several pieces of land – Grace Baptist Church, the Loureiro Property, Lee Murphy’s property and the land next to Encore Party Rentals.  Ms. Atwood-Burney did state that Grace Baptist had voted last week to allow the project on their property and it was suggested by Mr. Byrne that they seek information regarding how long they would be allowed to utilize the land.  Ms. Burke requested information on request for winter crop and it was explained that no matter which piece of land was chosen the winter crop and lime would be necessary to prepare soil for spring planting.  If nothing goes forward the funds requested will not be spent.

Discussion followed regarding using private property and Ms. Burke explained that as long as the land was open to the public and provided a public benefit, CPA could expend funds for the project.  Mr. Duplisea asked if there were already people interested in purchasing plots and Ms. Reid stated there were in the process of forming a non-profit corporation to manage the gardens and in speaking with other communities that have community gardens a lottery system, giving Hudson residents first priority could be an option.

Mr. D’Amelio motioned to approve $534.00 from Administrative Funds, seconded by Mrs. Ghiloni and carried…
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Susan Crane -SVT, Mrs. Gerwick and Mr. Lyons present
Request to apply for funds through CPA for the purchase of a Conservation Restriction on approximately 24 acres – Gerwick Property after the July 22, 2011 advertised deadline.

Ms. Crane had contacted Ms Burke last week requesting to apply after the deadline and Ms. Burke indicated that she could not make that decision it should be decided by the board.

Discussion then followed regarding the precedent being set if the committee allowed applications after the deadline and those legal implications.  Ms. Crane appealed to the committee regarding the importance of preserving the property.

Mr. D’Amelio motioned not to extend the deadline and accept the application, seconded by Mr. Parent.
Vote:   4 in Favor
        1 Against
        1 Abstained

Mr. D’Amelio motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:00pm, seconded by Mr. Parent and carried…
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Motion to Adopt:        Mr. Parent
Second:         Mr. Byrne
Vote:                   4-0 in Favor 2 abstained (Mr. Redding and Mr. Durant) August 22, 2011