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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 01/11/2011
Community Preservation Committee                                                                
Minutes of Meeting and Public Hearing Held on Tuesday, January 11, 2011
7:00pm Selectmen’s Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Hudson Town Hall

Members Present:                                        Absent:
Jennifer Burke                                  Robert D’Amelio
Linda Ghiloni                                           Joseph Durant
John Parent                                             Paul Byrne
Scott Duplisea
Arthur Redding
Emma Parente

7:00pm – Presentation Rehab Fire Station 1 - John Blood, Fire Chief
Mr. Blood explained his request of $86,000.00 for historical features of Fire Station 1, Main Street that will restore a vital public building that has been in need of renovation for a number of years.  

A Building Envelope Survey done by Russo-Barr Associates indicating the compromised and stained brick, the loose and deteriorated cooper cladding, inefficient rotted rear doors, lack of appropriate weather stripping and drainage, etc.  

Chief Blood indicated that in addition to the Application for CPC funds, he has submitted a request for Capital Outlay for the  May 2011 Town Meeting to replace the roof which is a major cause of some of the interior deficiencies.   The amount of that request is approximately $127,000.

The Chief stated that the front façade originally had a balcony feature that would cost an extra $25,000 to replicate, which was not requested in this application due to the high cost. Ms. Burke stated that the application could include that historical element if the Chief Blood so desired.  

Ms. Ghiloni motioned to approve $45,000 from Historic Preservation, $65,000 from Budgeted Reserve for a total of $111,000 to include the balcony feature.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Redding and carried…
Vote:   6-0 in

Minutes of Meetings
Mr. Redding motioned to adopt the minutes of the October 6, 2010 meeting, seconded by Mr. Parent and carried…
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Mr. Redding motioned to adopt the minutes of the December 7, 2010 meeting, seconded by Mr. Duplisea and carried…
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

a. Mr. Redding indicated he had spoken with Kate Hogan regarding SB90 who requested support of the legislation which would sustain the Community Preservation Act, halt the decline of the state matching funds for cities and towns and allow the upgrade of existing recreation facilities.  Ms. Burke stated that a letter was sent in support of SB90 a number of months ago.  Mrs. Ghiloni stated that both her and Ms. Burke attended a hearing at the State House in support of the bill.  Ms. Burke will check her files and send of the letter again.

Other Business:
a. Mr. Parent requested including a copy of the legal opinion from Counselor Cipriano regarding use of Administrative Funds with this set of minutes.  Duly noted by Mrs. Ghiloni.

b. Copies of projected financials for FY12 were distributed in the packages sent to each member of the committee and there were no questions.

7:30pm – Public Hearing – Community Preservation Plan
Individuals present were Lee Murphy,  Michelle Ciccolo and Kerin Shea.
Ms. Burke indicated that the update of the Plan is an annual requirement and the only items changed were projects that were funded over the past year and the information regarding Hudson CPA Funding to date.  

Mr. Duplisea indicated that the Housing Authority would possible have a project request in the near future to purchase land to build an affordable single family home that they would manage.  Mrs. Ghiloni will update the section – Potential Projects to include that item.  Ms. Burke also suggested contacting Hudson’s Affordable Housing Trust who has taken the 10% allocated by CPA into their funding resources.

Mrs. Ciccolo asked if there was information in the plan regarding the 2010 Census data and how that would affect Hudson’s 10% affordable housing stock.  Ms. Burke indicated there was not and would look into adding that piece once information is ascertained.

Mr. Murphy asked if there were projects to purchase open space.  Mrs. Ghiloni stated that she was currently working on the Open Space Study and that document has a number of lands that the Town is interested in preserving either through purchase, conservation restrictions or buying of development rights.  Mr. Murphy stated he had a parcel of land on the Assabet River and Mrs. Ghiloni state that he should contact her.

Mr. Redding questioned whether CPA could pay for a parking study of the downtown.  Ms. Burke indicated she did not think it would fall into any of the categories – Open Space, Historic Preservation, Affordable Housing or Recreation.

Mr. Redding questioned whether the Rotary was considered a historic feature.  Ms. Burke stated that it needed to be on the National or State register, considered a historic asset by the Historic Commission.

Ms. Burke motioned to adjourn the Public Hearing at 8:10pm, seconded by Mr. Parent and carried….
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Ms. Burke motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:11pm, seconded by Mr. Redding and carried…
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Motion to Adopt:        Ms. Ghiloni
Second:         Ms. Burke
Vote:                   4-0 in Favor 2 abstained (Mr. Durant and Mr. Byrne) August 22, 2011