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Community Preservation Committee Minutes 08/05/2009
Community Preservation Committee                                
Minutes of Meeting Held on August 5, 2009
7:00pm in Town Hall Selectmen’s Hearing Room

Members Present:                                                Absent:
Jennifer Burke                                                  Emma Parente
Linda Ghiloni                                                   Joseph Durant
John Parent                                                     Scott Duplisea
Arthur Redding
Paul Byrne
Bob D’Amelio

Jennifer Burke opened the meeting by introducing Bob D’Amelio as the new representative from the Planning Board, replacing James Vereault who left Planning and is now a member of the Board of Selectmen.  She also stated that Scott Duplisea was the new representative from the Housing Authority, replacing Ron White.

Library Roof Project – Paul Blazar, Executive Assistant, Trisha Desmond, Library Director and Peter Pistorino, project oversight.  
Paul Blazar explained the need for the Library Roof due to the infiltration of water from rain and snow caused by the non-functioning, damaged roof.  This building is located in the Historic District and therefore eligible for funding.  Other funding sources have been investigated (capital plan) but with present economy that will not be feasible in the next several years.  Questions voiced were could the building withstand another year, and there are no options but to continue with the tarps and buckets until the project can get underway in the spring if supported by CPA and Town Meeting in November.

Main Street Cemetary Project – Brian Stearns, Veteran’s Director
Brian Stearns stated that this cemetery contains veteran’s gravestones from as far back as the revolutionary war.  Some stones are tipped over and sinking, in addition to the grave markers missing or broken.  His intention is to replace the veterans markers (usually brass and aluminum) with engraved bricks that will hold a flag, right the stones that are tipped, backfill those that are sinking, as well as install a flagpole.  

Sauta Property Development – Linda Ghiloni, Director of Recreation
Linda Ghiloni explained that the Sauta Cornfield project would be developed into soccer fields.  This property was given to the Town in a permanent easement from Midland Development Corporation who built the Sauta Farms Over 55 complex.  Arthur Redding questioned the development in light of the recent Newton court ruling and Linda indicated she had a legal opinion from Town Council stating that since this land was already developed and is in a raw state (not an existing park), it does fall within the parameters of the Community Preservation Act and she distributed the Town Council opinion.  

Historical Archive Catalog – Hugo Guidotti and Peggy Sullivan, Historic Society Members
Peggy told the committee that this was an extension of the project that was funded previous where over 1200 items were cataloged and photographed by an outside contractor.  They would like to continue with the project and catalog items that have been in storage and those other artifacts that are not currently on display.  Jennifer Burke asked if they had put the items done on the web or was there a way at this point that individuals could seek the progress made.  Hugo Guidotti indicated that they intended to put it all up once complete and it was suggested that they not wait, but start now with those cataloged.  Arthur Redding suggested having someone create a web page with a link to the information and that could generate some interest in the project.

Land Acquisition – Hilditch Property – Paul Byrne, Conservation Commission
Paul Byrne requested tabling the request due to discrepancies in the appraisal that was completed on the property.  John Parent had prepared information regarding the comparables used in the appraisal which were not in line with this unbuildable lot, since one was actually in a commercial district, driving up the cost of the property.

Affordable Housing Trust Fund – Jennifer Burke, Muncipal Affordable Housing Trust Fund Committee
Jennifer Burke explained that her request was to place funds in the Affordable Housing Trust so that in the event that one of the now affordable units is in jeopardy of coming out of “affordable” the Trust Fund Committee would have the option of keeping it in our affordable housing stock.  Additionally, the funds could be used to buy down mortgages, assist with converting market rate housing into affordable units, down payment assistance programs, etc.  All of these are allowed under CPA.  The Trust Fund Committee was authorized in 2006 and recently three individuals were appointed to the committee, with a four member necessary at this point from the Board of Selectmen.  Questions followed regarding the amount in the current fund and Jennifer Burke indicated that approximately $60,000 that was generated from two units coming out of affordable and the difference between selling at affordable and selling at market rate, along with several ZBA rulings requiring trust fund deposits.

Linda Ghiloni motioned to take $12,000 from the Historic Preservation reserve for the Main Street Cemetary project, seconded by Bob D’Amelio and carried…
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Linda Ghiloni motioned to take $32,315.46 from the Historic Preservation reserve and $77,684.54 from Budgeted reserve for the Library Roof project, seconded by Jennifer Burke and carried…
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Linda Ghiloni motioned to take $88,535.13 from the Affordable Housing reserve and $100,000.00 from Budgeted reserve for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, seconded by Jennifer Burke and carried…
Vote:   4-2 in Favor

Jennifer Burke motioned to take $302,000.00 from Budgeted reserve for the Sauta Cornfield Development project, seconded by John Parent and carried…
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Jennifer Burke motioned to pass over the Historic Society Archive project, seconded by Bob D’Amelio and carried…
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Jennifer Burke informed the committee that Stuart Saginor had requested speaking to the committee again if they so desired.  The committee decided that they would prefer a meeting in late September and Jennifer Burke will try to set that up.

Linda Ghiloni passed out information on a future project for acquisition of a piece of land on 44 Brook Street known as the Sauta Farmhouse.  She would like this piece of land to be on the Community Preservation Plan as a parcel of interest.  It was stated that the plan is updated annually and at that time in would be included.

Bob D’Amelio motioned to adjourn at 8:340 pm, seconded by Arthur Redding and carried….
Vote:   6-0 in Favor

Motion to Adopt:        Jennifer Burke
Second:         Paul Byrne
Vote:                   6-0 in Favor – September 16, 2009