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Board of Health Minutes 10/25/06
 October 25, 2006 at 7:30 P.M.

1.0     Preliminaries
1.1.    Dale Nadeau opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M.
1.2.    Roll Call:  Acting Chairman Dale Nadeau & Jim Saart.  Dan Ehntholt was absent.  Also in attendance were Health Agent Sam Wong and Administrator Katrina Proctor.
1.3.    Additions or deletions to the agenda

2.0     Hearings and Appointments
2.1     8:10 PM Adrine Willis – Massagist Permit Application
Sam Wong reported that he reviewed the application and found it to be complete.  Ms. Willis requested a waiver from the regulations to allow her to offer massage services to all genders.  

Jim Saart made a motion to approve the Massagist permit for Adrine Willis with a variance to allow cross gender massage service, seconded by Dale Nadeau with all in favor. 2-0-0

3.0     Review Septic Permits
3.1     Lyman Ave. – Discovery of an irrigation well within 100 ft of an approved septic system application (Tom DiPersio, Jr)  Sam Wong explained that the Board recently approved a septic system design for 12 Lyman Ave. and Thomas DiPersio just found that there was an irrigation well within 65 ft. of the proposed septic system.  Sam explained that the regulation is for a drinking water well and there is no action needed by the Board.  Proctor stated she will mark the new plan as the plan of record and will update the file.

4.0     General Business                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
4.1     Budget
4.1.1   FY ’08 Budget Proposal due 10/25/06
Sam reported on his meeting with Paul Blazer to discuss creating an enterprise fund, increase staff time, and request additional office space.

Enterprise Fund/Revolving Account - Blazer was not in favor creating an enterprise fund for the Board of Health.  He prefers a revolving account where the money in the account at the end of the fiscal year could be authorized to remain in the account through a vote of town meeting or the money could go back to the general fund.  Saart stated that the Blazer has always been fair and he is in favor of using a revolving account.  Blazer also agreed to continue funding the current budget.  The Board will raise money through additional fees.

Office Space - Sam advocated for additional office space.  Blazer recognized the Board’s need for office space and said it is a priority.  He said that the Historical Museum will be moving to the Senior Center and that space will be available in a year or two.  This opens up office space for the Board of Health.

Increase in Staff - Wong also asked for a full time secretary and to increase in Agent hours to 30 hours per week.  Blazer agreed to put that into the FY’08 Budget.  Sam stated that he is willing to work 4 days per week and noted that he is currently working more than 2 days per week to attend training and meetings.  The Board thanked Sam for agreeing to increase his work days.

FY’ 08 Operating Budget – Proctor gave an overview of the budget and made additional recommendations.  The Board approved the new budget.  Proctor will submit.

4.1.2   Expense Ledger Variance Report dated 10/23/06 – Noted.
4.2     Vouchers – Saart made a motion to approve the vouchers for VNA $537.50 and Microbac $60.00, seconded by Nadeau with all in favor.
4.2.1   (VNA – September 2006 = $537.50)
4.2.2   (Microbac – August 1st beach sample - $60.00)
4.3     Minutes
4.3.1   Minutes 10/11/06 – Tabled.
4.4     Planning Board Request for Review And Comments for Preliminary Plan – Old North
Woods – The Board reviewed the plan and since the project will be serviced with town water and town sewer the Board has no issues or comment on the project.

5.0     Correspondence
5.1     Health Agent’s Correspondence
5.1.1   Wind River Notice of Noncompliance – due on 10/27/2006 – Response was received see (5.2)
5.1.2   7 Central Street – Housing Code violation – Sam stated that the property is Section 8 subsidized housing.  The landlord is evicting the tenant. The tenant is receiving vouchers for heat however they are not using them to pay for heat.  Sam informed the landlord that he is legally responsible to provide heat and issued an order.
5.2     Wind River Environmental response to Notice of Non-Compliance dated 10/27/06.  
The Board reviewed the letter from Wind River which responded to the Notice of Non-Compliance.  Sam stated that he received a complaint today about the chemical smells and noted that the complaints are coming in regularly from surrounding businesses.  Sam said that based on his conversations with town counsel and DEP he recommends issuance of Order of Non-Compliance since the problem still exists.  Sam continued that if they do not comply then the recommendation is to take legal action.  

Nadeau asked if the Board of Health needs to witness the odors at this time.  Sam said that he will go back for an onsite evaluation and document his findings.  Sam stated in his letter to Wind River he recommended that they contact DEP for recommendations and solutions.

The Board directed Sam to issue an Order to Comply to Wind River if his findings show they have not complied.

5.3     Performance Evaluation and Development Plan – Request from Building Commissioner – Ehntholt submitted the evaluation.
5.4     Trial Court – Town of Hudson vs. Robert Jones & Tony Cabral, 56 Park St. - Preliminary Injunction.  Wong reported that he went to court about 10 days ago.  Tony Cabral was in attendance.  The judge ordered the owner to repair the property within 2 weeks.  Wong stated that he re-inspected the property and everything has been done.  He will go back to court this Friday to dismiss the case.  The Board noted that they are fortunate that the Marlboro District Court is hearing housing court cases.
5.5     DEP RTN 2-10526 - 12 Wheeler Rd., Phase IV Final Inspection Report, Response Action Outcome Statement
5.6     Hudson/Stow Sanitary Landfill Semiannual Groundwater and Surface Water Report – Wong reviewed the report and said there is no issue at the site and the conclusion is consistent with previous years.  Nadeau noted the Ehntholt routinely reviews these reports.  Proctor will pass the report on to Ehntholt for his review.
5.7     Hazardous Waste Day – Attendance Sheet – Nadeau stated that he was present during the Hazardous Waste Collection Day and noted how smoothly the process went.  Every fifteen minutes approximately 12 people were serviced.  Nadeau noted that the collection day was well attended (162 people).
5.8     Colonial Dodge Facility, 24 Coolidge St. - Release Abatement Measure Plan – Noted.
5.9     Commonwealth of Mass.  Water Fluoridation Award. – The Board asked Proctor to send a note thanking DPW for promoting oral public health.
5.10    DEP re:  27 Apsley St. – Notice of Non-Compliance – Sam noted that DEP performed a surprise site visit and found minor violations.
5.11    DEP re:  US Army Hudson Family Housing - Comprehensive Compliance Evaluation – Noted.
5.12    DEP re:  12 Wheeler Rd. – Notice of Responsibility – Noted.
5.13      New England Zero Mercury Campaign re:  BOH regulations – Members will review.

6.0     Advertisements and Conferences
6.1     Nadeau inquired if Proctor will attend MAHB conference.  Proctor confirmed.
7.0     Pending
8.0     Commentary – Noted.
8.1     Flu Clinic, November 16, 2006 (9:00 – 2:00)
8.2     Budget Reviews Tuesday November 14th at 1:00 PM – KP and SW to attend.
8.3     Budget Hearing Tuesday, January 9th at 7:50 PM

9.0     Adjournment – Jim Saart made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm., seconded by Dale Nadeau with all in favor.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Katrina Proctor