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Board of Health Minutes 03/08/06
March 8th, 2006 at 7:30 P.M.

1.0     Preliminaries
1.1.    Dale Nadeau opened the meeting at 7:30 PM.
1.2.    Roll Call:  Chairman Dale Nadeau, Vice Chairman James Saart and Clerk Dan Ehntholt.  Also in attendance were Health Agent Sam Wong and Health Administrator Katrina Proctor.
1.3.    Additions to the agenda (see 7.7 and 7.8)
2.0     Executive Session – litigation.

Dale Nadeau made a motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of potential litigation stating that the Board will return to the regular scheduled meeting.  The motion was seconded by Dan Ehntholt.

Roll Call Vote:
Dale Nadeau     in favor.
Dan Ehntholt    in favor.
Jim Saart               in favor.

Motion carried.

The Board returned to the regular scheduled meeting at 8:45 PM.

3.0     Hearings and Appointments
3.1     Variance Request - A to Z Vending
Sam Wong explained that there is a verbal requesting a variance from A to Z Vending regarding waiving the requirement for installing lockout devices on tobacco vending machines located in several establishments in town.  The Board required a written request to be heard at a future meeting.
3.2     James Thibeault – Discuss Body Art Regulations.  After discussion, the Board suggested that Thibeault submit a written request for a variance from the Body Art Regulations to be heard at the next meeting on March 29th.

4.0     Minutes
4.1     November 16, 2005 - Dan Ehntholt made a motion to approve the minutes 11/16/05, seconded by Jim Saart with all in favor.
4.2     November 30, 2005 Dan Ehntholt made a motion to approve the minutes 11/30/05, seconded by Jim Saart with all in favor.
4.3     December 14, 2005 Dan Ehntholt made a motion to approve the minutes 12/14/05, seconded by Jim Saart with all in favor.
4.4     December 21, 2005 Executive Session The Board reviewed and made minor changes.
4.5     December 28, 2005 Dan Ehntholt made a motion to approve the minutes 12/28/05, seconded by Jim Saart with all in favor.
4.6     January 11, 2006 Dan Ehntholt made a motion to approve the minutes 1/11/06, seconded by Jim Saart with all in favor.
4.7     January 25, 2006 Dan Ehntholt made a motion to approve the minutes 1/25/06, seconded by Jim Saart with all in favor.
4.8     February 15, 2006 Dan Ehntholt made a motion to approve the minutes 2/15/06, seconded by Jim Saart with all in favor.

5.0     Budget – Dan Ehntholt made a motion to approve the vouchers, seconded by Jim Saart with all in favor.
5.1     Voucher - VNA – January $375.00
5.2     FYI – 2006 Food Permits ($7315.00) 103 Permits, Tobacco Permits ($675.00) 26 Permits
6.0     Review Septic Permits
6.1     22-24 Lakeside Ave. – DPW letter recommends a deed restriction on both houses limiting the houses to two bedrooms a piece. (awaiting Steve Poole) – Tabled.
6.2     21 A – D Worcester Ave. revisions. (awaiting Steve Poole) – Tabled.
7.0     General Business
7.1     Annual Report due 3/24/06 – The Board approved the Annual Report prepared by Dale Nadeau.
7.2     Emergency contact forms from Fire Chief – Submitted by the board members individually.
7.3     IRA Status Report #3 – 4A Bolton St.  RTN 2-15416 – Noted.
7.4     Discuss Wind River – Table to next meeting 3/29/06.
7.5     RAM Plan – Riverside Farm – Elaine Circle (1 Zina Rd) – Noted.
7.6     Planning Board
7.6.1   Site Plan Review – Colonial Dodge due 3/29/06 – No Comments.
7.7     Finance Committee Meeting- Dale Nadeau updated the Board stating he attended the meeting with Jim Saart.  The Board decided to return $8000.00 to the General Fund this year by not holding a Hazardous Waste Collection Day.  The Board gained the support of the Finance Committee to purchase customized database software to assist with Board of Health operations.
7.8     B-P Trucking – 3rd Amendment – Dale Nadeau made a motion to approve the 3rd Amendment per the request of Paul Blazer Executive Assistant, seconded by James Saart with all in favor.
8.0     Correspondence – Noted.
8.1     DEP notice received that Hudson Water Department has not filed fluoridation reports for 2005.
8.2     Central Mass. Mosquito Control Project Annual Report 2005
9.0     Health Agent’s Correspondence – Noted.
9.1.1   Tina Lurz, 24 Oak St. (trash and rubbish)
9.1.2   Rosimar Oliveira, 374 River Rd. (trash and construction waste)
9.1.3   Rosimar Oliveira – 2nd letter
9.1.4   Roberto Uribe, 2 Warner St. (trash)
10.0    Pending
11.0    Advertisements and Conferences – Noted.
11.1     Seminar DEP/Central Mass Assoc Boards of Health/MHOA 3/15/06 8:30-3:00 PM Quinsigamond Community College
11.2    MassRecycle Municipal Membership – free for the chairman
12.0    Commentary – Noted.
12.1    Katrina (vacation March 20 – March 24)
13.0    Adjournment  Dan Ehntholt made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jim Saart with all in favor.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:

Katrina Proctor
Health Adminstrator