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Board of Health Minutes 6/14/06

June 14, 2006 at 7:30 P.M.

1.0     Preliminaries
1.1.    Dale Nadeau opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
1.2.    Roll Call:  Chairman Dale Nadeau, Vice Chair Jim Saart, Clerk Dan Ehntholt.
1.3.    Additions to the agenda (See 2.4, 4.6, 6.3)

2.0     Hearings and Appointments
2.1     7:30 pm Wind River, John O’Connell update.

James Gorin was present at the meeting noting that WindRiver is a tenant in his building located at 577 Main St.  He stated that he would like to see any issues worked out with the Board of Health as he does not want to loose a good customer.

John O’Connell updated the Board noting that the new system is installed.  He explained that the 70 DFM pump was not strong enough so they installed a vapor shield and a 200 CFM pump.  He explained that it is not working right now.

Sam Wong, Health Agent stated that the Board of Health Office is still receiving complaints.  Wong explained that there are a lot of activities going on at the site and the odor is apparent.

John O’Connell said that the vapor shield has been installed and the manifold will be delivered shortly.  He stated that there is not a sewage transfer station with as sophisticated a system noting it is the top of the line in odor control.  He explained the small power pump was not controlling the problem.  He explained there is PVC pipe around the opening of the building/shed where the transferring takes place and that it required more power to the 3 manifolds.  The vendor will finalize installation within 5 business days.

The Board explained that this is an outstanding public health nuisance and it is not a satisfactory abatement as of today.  Another concern of the Board is that the more misting might create another odor nuisance.

Chris Kent, manager of A-1 Storage said that he is already experiencing problems with the misting chemical odor.  

The Board noted that the first complaint was issued in 2001 from Blue Jay Trucking located across the street.

Dan Ehntholt said that while driving by at 30 mph with the windows open, he could smell heavy odors both sewer and cherry odor.  Dan said he finds this offensive.

The Board decided to allow WindRiver time to try the entire odor control technique.

John O’Connell stated that subsequently he has received a letter from the ZBA.  The Board continued the hearing to June 28, 2006 at 7:30 PM.

2.2     8:00 pm Kate & Greg Parker, 33 Shay Rd. Hearing re: septic system – The Parker’s
were not in attendance.  The Board continued the meeting to June 28th.

2.3     8:15 pm Transfer Station:  Pam Cooper and Marilyn MacDonald attended the
meeting to discuss concerns with the Transfer Station.

Pam Cooper and her mother Marilyn MacDonald live across the street from the transfer station and noted several complaints and concerns as follows:

1.      Trucking begins at 5:30 a.m.-The contract allows trucking to begin at 7:00 a.m.
2.      Odors – they were previously told odors were from the sewage treatment plant and they disagree with that assessment.
3.      Trash in the neighborhood, request transfer station picks it up.
4.      Request compliance checks.
5.      Request abutter notifications for any changes at the transfer station.

Ms. Cooper and Ms. MacDonald stated that they are concerned that if the town gives the contractor B-P too much, the operation will get out of hand.  Mr. Nadeau said that he addressed the previous complaint regarding a truck idling overnight.  He spoke to Mr. DiPaolo about it who determined the trucker was tired and slept at the transfer station overnight.  Mr. DiPaolo said the trucker has been told this is not acceptable and it won’t happen again.  Nadeau said he will monitor the property at 7 PM in the evening for compliance.

Cooper and MacDonald asked if there is a limit on the amount of trash.  Nadeau said it is done on a tonnage basis and said that this is monitored and published in DEP reporting requirements.

Cooper noted that the amount of traffic has increased.  She stated that the abutters want to be notified of any changes at the Transfer Station.  They stated that their property value has decreased.  They want rights to speak to any new requests at the transfer station.

Nadeau said there is 4-5 years left on the contract.  The Board wants to work to resolve any complaints.  It was noted that the trash business has become “big business”.
Saart gave a history of the Transfer Station.

Cooper stated that she wants to slow down the growth of the business and urged the board to understand that this is in a residential area and near to the elementary school.  She asked the Board to watch the tonnage.

Ehntholt suggested that Cooper and MacDonald contact the Board of Selectmen about the concerns.

Nadeau noted that this transfer station is the cleanest in the state, noting that the recycling volunteers have contributed greatly to the operation.

Cooper said that the trash in the neighborhood needs to be picked up.  Nadeau said he will talk to Joe DiPaolo about this noting that he has kept it clean before and is sure it will be addressed.

Ms. Cooper voiced a different complaint at 4 Lee Circle.  The property has been abandoned and has mold growing on it.  The bank foreclosed on the property and the pipe burst more than a year ago.  Sam Wong, Health Agent will inspect the property on Friday.

2.4     Tricia Dolt ran – Biology & Public Health student at Tufts University.
Ms. Doltran explained that she is looking for an internship and would like to help and learn from the Board of Health.  The Board said she could come to meetings; however, there are no funded positions.  The Board must plan one year in advance.  The Board suggested that she talk to Paul Blazer, Town Executive Assistant to see if he knows of anything available.  Ms. Doltran said she is not concerned about being paid.  The Board thought she would need to be employed to be covered for legal issues.  Potential project were discussed including developing a list of all private wells in town and water testing at the beach.  It was noted that the Conservation Commission can have associate members and this might be a possible opportunity.

3.0     Review Septic Permits
3.1     343 Chestnut St. – tabled.
3.2     107 White Pond Rd. – tabled.
3.3     16 Woodrow St. – new revised plan per DPW comments.  Vent detail was added to the plan.  The plan was previously signed by the Board.
3.4     20 Temple Ave. – DPW Comments:  some waivers requested for setback distances, all other aspects are in compliance with Title V. Jim Saart made a motion to table the approval of the septic system application for 20 Temple Ave. to notify the applicant that he must notify the abutters specifying the date and time of the next BOH meeting 6/28/06 at 7:30 PM by certified mail return receipt requested, seconded by Dan Ehntholt with all in favor.  Sam Wong will check the regulations for setback distances.
3.5     81 Hunter Ave.
3.6     Lot B2 Indian Lake Shore Drive – see DPW comments.  Dan Ehntholt made a motion to approve the septic design with the condition that the installer provide certificate or letter stating they are certified with Quick4 high capacity system, seconded by Dale Nadeau with all in favor.
3.7     22-24 Lakeside Ave. – DPW letter recommends a deed restriction on both houses limiting the houses to two bedrooms a piece. (awaiting Steve Poole)
3.8     21 A – D Worcester Ave. revisions. (awaiting Steve Poole)

4.0     General Business
4.1     MRC – Sam Wong explained that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the state are pushing the Medical Reserve Corp. (MRC).  Wong stated that our region 4A have agreed to pursue this program.  Wong has identified 300 current medical professionals in town.  He plans to identify retired professionals.  He stated the MRC could run flu clinics, blood pressure clinics and other outreach programs.  Nadeau stated that volunteers dwindle rapidly and that recruiting is a constant effort.  Wong stated that the Town of Acton has developed their MRC more than a year ago and has more than 200 volunteers.  The state is helping with a lot of training free of charge.  This can help the professionals with obtaining Continuing Educatin (CEU’s) free of charge.  Wong plans to talk to the pastor at the First Methodist Church who is already running medical clinics there.  Wong stated that Hudson has 2 emergency dispensing sites and each site needs 66-70 people to run it.  It was noted that EMT's and Fire fighters would automatically be involved in any emergency.  MRC must have a director not related to the town.  Participants in the MRC must have the proper credentials and a C.O.R.E.
4.2     Tobacco Control Update – Wong stated that the Worcester Tobacco Control Program wants to know if Hudson wants to participate in a study on secondhand smoke.  The Board was in agreement.
4.3     Sign Quinn Estates – Subdivision Plans.  The Board noted that they approve the plan, but will need to sign the Mylar’s at the next meeting with a special pen.
4.4      Minutes – tabled.
4.4.1   May 10, 2006
4.5     Budget – Dan Ehntholt made a motion to pay $563.97 to Rydin Decal, $375.00 to VNA, and $2000.00 for the BOH payroll stipend, seconded by Dale Nadeau with all in favor.
4.5.1   Voucher BOH – 13 (Rydin Decal $ 563.97) - paid
4.5.2   Voucher BOH – 14 (VNA April $375.00) - paid
4.5.3   Payroll for the Board of Health Members (Stipend $2,000.00) - paid
4.5.4   Expense Ledger (May 23, 2006) – noted.
4.6     Continental Citgo – Sam will contact the new LSP and ask for a presentation and time
        frame.  He will also contact DEP for status and the results of the water testing.
4.7     Hazardous Waste Day – The Board will hold a hazardous waste day in October.  Nadeau will speak to B-P Trucking about setting it up.  Advertising will begin in August.
4.8     Agent Correspondence – The Board reviewed several public nuisance letters issued by Sam Wong, Health Agent.

5.0     Correspondence – NOTED.
5.1     FDA – CD Food Service
5.2     Avier Environmental IRA Plan
5.3     Anthony Andronico LSP – no longer providing services of Continental Citgo
5.4     DEP Solid Waste Notice – (sent copy to BP Trucking)
5.5     Mosquito Control Notice
5.6     Mass Highway Yearly Operational Plan.
5.7     Mosquito Control Request for Ditch
5.8     Town Accountant – Year-end schedule of bills processing
5.9     Town Accountant – Year-end schedule of payroll processing
5.10    Health Agent’s Correspondence
6.0     Advertisements and Conferences – Wong noted that each city and town has $1000 grant for training associated with bioterrorism.
6.1     APHA Annual Meeting Nov. 4 – Nov. 8
6.2     MHOA Annual Meeting Nov. 1 – Nov. 3
6.3     MAHB – December 2
7.0     Commentary
8.0     Adjournment – Dan Ehntholt made a motion to adjourn at 10:00 p.m., seconded by Dale Nadeau with all in favor.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:

________________________________                        _________________________________
Katrina Proctor                                         Dan Ehntholt