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Board of Health Minutes 06/28/06

June 28, 2006 at 7:30 P.M.

1.0     Preliminaries
1.1.    Jim Saart opened the meeting at 7:33 PM.
1.2.    Roll Call:  Acting Chairman Jim Saart and Dan Ehntholt.  Chairman Dale Nadeau was away on business.
1.3.    Additions or deletions to the agenda

2.0     Hearings and Appointments
2.1     7:30 pm Wind River, John O’Connell update.
John O’Connell said that the work to install the new pump was completed last Thursday.  He noted that he left a message at the Board of Health Office to notify the Board that the work was done.

Jim Saart said that he went to WindRiver today to inspect the operation and found the employees to be very cordial.  Jim said that he had the opportunity to see the transfer and process and he couldn’t help but smell the odor, however, it was not as pungent as he anticipated.

Sam Wong said that he went to the site last Friday and again yesterday.  He reported that late morning on Friday he observed a very strong cherry odor.  He said yesterday he went to the site in the early afternoon after receiving a complaint Mr. Kent of Extra Space Storage.  Sam stated that he smelled both odors at the same time, noting the smells meshed somewhat but he smelled both distinct odors.

Dan Ehntholt said he did not visit the site since the new device was on line.

Chris Kent of Extra Space storage said that he smells both odors and noted that he is noticing a stronger chemical/cherry odor the day they put the device in.  He stated that the odors vary, but he doesn’t know why.  He said that he does notify Sam at the Board of Health office.  He stated that even during windy days he smells the odor.  He noted that lately it has been humid and windy.

Jim Saart said that it appears there is still an odor problem and asked Sam Wong about alternatives.  He asked if there is a solution as it seems we are at an impasse.

Sam said that he doesn’t know if we can get rid of the odor and stated that there is still a violation.  He recommended consultation with town counsel to see what the Board’s options are.

Jim Saart said that the Board needs to speak to Paul Blazer the Town Administrative Assistant.
Jim noted that all three members of the Board must be present for any decisions on this matter.
He requested that Sam find out the technicalities and request a meeting with town counsel on how to proceed.

John O’Connell said that WindRiver has every intention of leaving the town and noted that they have tried to cooperate, however, will vigorously defend themselves.  He stated that he was hoping that technology would alleviate the problem.

Jim Saart stated that he knows WindRiver is trying and had hoped something would work.

Chris Kent stated the he wanted the technology to work too and said that he only wants to breathe clean air.

The Board requests Sam Wong to provide an update for the next meeting.  O’Connell said that he is not available during the month of July.  Dan Ehntholt said he would not be available August 3rd to August 21st.  Dan is available Tues. Aug. 1, Wed. Aug 2 and Monday July 31st.    The Board will check with Chairman Dale Nadeau before setting the next meeting on this matter.

2.2     8:00 pm Kate & Greg Parker, 33 Shay Rd. Hearing re: septic system – The Parker’s did not attend the meeting.  Wong will send a letter asking them to attend the meeting July 12th.

2.3     Hudson House of Pizza - Health Agent, Sam Wong explained that he issued an order to install hand sinks within 14 days.  Sam explained that the establishment is under reconstruction and he did a routine inspection 10 days ago and found that there is a delay with installation of the hand washing sinks.  He said that this is an ongoing issue and the establishment has a severe lack of hand wash sinks.  Wong said that he allowed the owner time to renovate the business; however, it has been a slow renovation now about 2 years.  They have been using the mop sink for hand washing.  The new renovation has 3 distinct areas and none of them have hand wash sinks.  The owner requested to attend the meeting to ask the Board of Health to allow additional time to install the hand sinks.  There was discussion about the layout of the establishment.  The owner explained that the new plan was developed 3 years ago business when business was great.  He said that the previous Health Inspector Ron Hertzberg approved the plan with one hand wash sink.  He said that this is a $ 30K - $50K renovation and noted that the hood, kitchen and ventilation air conditioning took up most of the money.  He said the hand wash sinks have been purchased and are ready to install.  He also noted that they have never had any terrible violations and request the Board of health allow more time for the installation.  Sam said that the normal procedure is to close the establishment down.  The owner explained that they are equipped with hand towels with lid disposal and antibacterial soap.  They need to set up 3 distinct areas and each needs a hand wash sink.  Sam said the bottom lime is according to the regulations they need 2 more sinks.

Sam noted that the hand sink is one of many violations that day and the floor is badly damaged and a wall open.

Dan Ehntholt made a motion that Hudson House of Pizza must install the additional 2 hand sinks within 2 weeks from today with the requirement in the middle cooking needs antibacterial soap wipes and trash disposal with a lid.  Seconded by James Saart with all in favor.

There was discussion on eliminating a wall.  Sam Wong stated that he has given the establishment over a year to install the hand wash sinks and not his order gives 14 days for installation.

3.0     Review Septic Permits
3.1     20 Temple Ave. – DPW Comments:  some waivers requested for setback distances, all other aspects are in compliance with Title V.  Richard Bennett provided abutter notification for the meeting and submitted certified mail receipts.  He also spoke to his neighbors and said no of them have any problem with the proposed septic system.  

Dan Ehntholt made a motion to approve the plan for the septic system, seconded by Jim Saart with all in favor. 2-0-0. Dan said that the next step is state approval and noted that it is normally a simple process.  Dan stated that the Board has have never let such a variance occur, but determined that this system is still an improvement over the existing conditions. It was noted that the Board of Health Office will not issue the permit until state approval is received.

3.2     81 Hunter Ave. – DPW Comments:  replacement system for existing house, all aspects of the plans are in compliance with Title V.
3.3     114 Forest Ave. - table
3.4     107 White Pond Rd. - table
3.5     Lot 9 Elaine Circle - table
3.6     Lot 6 & 8 Lakeside Ave. - table
3.7     343 Chestnut St. - table
3.8     107 White Pond Rd.  - table
3.9     22-24 Lakeside Ave. – DPW letter recommends a deed restriction on both houses limiting the houses to two bedrooms a piece. (awaiting Steve Poole)  The Board asked Proctor to remind Poole that we need the deed restriction.
3.10    21 A – D Worcester Ave. revisions. (awaiting Steve Poole)  Sam Wong updated the board that the neighbor issue was resolved and town water has been installed.  The 3rd installer Al Sousa is in dispute with the owner over money.  No one called the BOH for inspections during construction.  This project has dragged on for 4 years.  The property has an ongoing Order from the BOH to replace the system.  Since it is not completed they are using the septic tank.  Sam said the Board has the authority to require the SDS to be completed within 30 days notice or issue all 5 houses inhabitable.

4.0     General Business
4.1     Installer’s License Application – R & S Property Solutions - DE made a motion to approve the Installer Licensed for $ & S Property Solutions, seconded by JS with all in favor.
4.2     Sign Quinn Estates – Subdivision Plans – DE made a motion to sign the subdivision plan, seconded by JS with all in favor.
4.3     Planning Board Request for Review – Site Plan Review Modification:  66 Cox St. Paquette Family Dental Group –no later than July 11th.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                – The Board reviewed the plans and said they have no problem with the plans and will submit a letter of no comment.  
4.4     Minutes
4.4.1   May 10, 2006
4.4.2   June 14, 2006 – JS made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by DE with all in favor.
4.5     Budget
4.5.1   Expense Ledger Variance Report (June 22, 2006)
4.5.2   Vouchers  June 28, 2006 – JS made a motion to approve the vouchers, seconded by DE with all in favor. VNA (May) $425.00 Microbac 3 weeks $180.00 MetroWest Printing - $143.92 (2 boxes of envelopes)
4.5.3   Memo from Paul Blazer re:  Non-Union Cola – noted.
4.5.4   Special Stipend Request – The Board of Health supports Proctors request for special stipend and deferred to the chairman to assist with the request.
4.6     Zina Rd – DEP Immediate Response Action – Dan reviewed the report and plans and was stated the Board must be sure that PCB’s are not migrating.  The Board asked Sam to investigate whether there should be testing on private wells.
5.0     Correspondence – all noted.
5.1     Water Department Report – handouts
5.2     Letter from DPW Water Division
5.3     Letter from DEP – Sanitary Survey Report and Notice of Noncompliance for survey
5.4     Health Agent’s Correspondence
5.5     Central Mass Mosquito – request approved for Orchard Drive.
6.0     Advertisements and Conferences
7.0     Commentary
7.1     Sam Wong noted problems with 308 Central St. – Land Tech, commercial landscaping company. Smell is bad and people are complaining.  He has done 4 on site visits already.  The owners have refused certified letters.  Sam will serve by constable.
7.2     The Board requested a copy of the legal hand book. – Proctor to follow up.
8.0     Adjournment – James Saart made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 PM, seconded by Dan Ehntholt with all in favor.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:

___________________________                             __________________________
Katrina Proctor, Administrator                          Dan Ehntholt, Clerk