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Affordable Houing Minutes 06/11/2012
Minutes of Meeting Held on
Thursday, June 11, 2012 – 5:45pm
Recreation Office, 1st Floor, Town Hall

Members Present: Linda Ghiloni                          Absent:  Kerin Shea                     
                        Manuel Ferreira 
                        John Parent                                             
                        Scotty Golder
                        Kevin Santos
                        Charles McGourty
                        Joseph Peznola
                        Robin Frank

Joyce Torelli, Community Development Authority, Marlborough, MA
Present to give this committee some information on what Marlborough has done in the last several years.  Renovation of two homes on Preston and Gleason Streets and the most recent was with Assabet Vocational School on Emmet Street which the city bought and paid off mortgage and will then sell as affordable.

She suggested we contract with a Consultant to assist us with programs - buy down and down payment assistance; marketing of units that we are notified will be coming on the market; getting grants to buy units; etc. There are a number of federal and state programs and consultants know the information and can help use accomplish our goals of providing and keeping affordable units.

Guidelines for marketing should include Town employee’s first, town residents second, then reaching out through MLS to out of town individuals.  Flyers, newspapers, cable stations, etc.

Contact Steven Vigeant or Linda Faust in Marlborough if more information is necessary.

II.  Blueberry Lane – another house will be coming on the market.  A real estate broker contacted Ms. Burke and Ms. Campbell of DHCD.

III. Old Business       
a. 21 Blueberry Lane – buyer received an offer of $265,000.
Although Ms. Burke was contacted a while back that the seller was taking this house off the market, there has been an offer and the seller is going to take that offer.  
b. Esplanade Unit #207 – no response from request for extention of May 31 deadline.
Mr. Peznola has talked with Maritza regarding the provisions in the deed riders of these units.
c.  Information from Housing Authority after their June 7th meeting.
Ms. Pappazisis has not gotten back to Ms. Ghiloni regarding the Housing Authorities interest in managing units if the Housing Trust buys them.

V. Adjourn
Ms. Ghiloni motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:50pm to attend the Kick Off meeting for the Master Plan, seconded by Mr. Parent and carried…
Vote:   8-0 in Favor

Motion to Adopt:        Ms. Ghiloni
Second:         Mr. Golder
Vote:                   5-0 in Favor – July 10, 2012