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Minutes 4-23-2013
Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
                                        Meeting Minutes

Date:            April 23, 2013

Present:        Fred Beaulieu, Chairperson
                Don Beal, Scribe
                Ron Seaburg, Secretary
                Sarto Caron, Associate

Absent:          Ralph Martone, Associate

7:00 PM The Minutes for May 9 were read and accepted with changes noted.        

                Sarto presented a staggered term schedule for Board members. He will submit it to the
                Executive Secretary.
                Sarto mentioned that two new petitioner hearings have been scheduled for May 14 and                     June 11.
                The Board discussed the time frame for a petitioner’s case to start and end.

7:30 PM Unscheduled, Informal Meeting
                Special Permit Request
                Joe Niemiroski
                25 Old Colony Road

                Abutters Present: Gary Naples, Phil Gagne, Brenda Gagne.

                Mark Farrell, surveyor, and Mark Lamontagne, builder, joined Mr. Niemiroski.
Mark Farrell asked the Board to explain why his client cannot tear down the house located       on the lot and build another house in a different location.

                Fred explained the Town Attorney's decision which is that someone cannot tear down a                    house on a non-conforming lot and then rebuild in another location.

                Mr. Niemiroski stated that it appears he has two options: (1) Rebuild and expand the
                present house, and (2) Sue the Town.

                Fred will consult with the Town’s Attorney and State officials to find rulings for the                  percent of a house in square feet that has to be moved to another location before it can                        be torn down and rebuilt on the relocated site to meet zoning requirements, if at all.

8:30 PM The meeting was adjourned.

                Submitted by,

                Ronald Seaburg, Secretary

CC:             Building Inspector, Town Clerk, Executive Secretary, HC