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5-8-12 ZBA
Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
                                Meeting Minutes

Date:           May 8, 2012

Present:        Fred Beaulieu, Chairperson
                Don Beal, Scribe
                Ron Seaburg, Secretary
                Sarto Caron, Associate
                Ralph Martone, Associate

7:00 PM The minutes for April 24 were read and accepted.

7:30 PM Special Permit Continuance
                Jeff Candito
                286 Mashapaug Road      R07-3-03        Book 18178      Page 218

                Also in attendance: Peg Candito, Kathy Boyer.

                The Board discussed the site visitation of April 26 with Mr. Candito and                asked   that additional survey pins on the south side of the property           boundry be located so that setback distances to the addition in question                could be made with greater accuracy. Mr. Candito accepted this request.

                A second site visitation was scheduled for May 14 at 6:15 PM.
                A continuance was scheduled for May 22 at 8:00 PM.

7:50 PM The meeting was adjourned.

CC:             Building Inspector, Town Clerk, Executive Secretary, HCC, and ZBA file.

                Submitted by:

                Ron Seaburg, Secretary