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Zoning Minutes 12-9-08

                        Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
Meeting Minutes
Date:December 9, 2008

Sarto Caron, Chairperson
Don Beal, Scribe
Todd Mayo, Associate
Ron Seaburg, Secretary
Fred Beaulieu, Guest

7:00 PM
The minutes of November 25 were read and accepted with changes noted. Sarto led a discussion regarding petitioner fees. The Board will consider raising fees and changing the newspaper notification source.

7:30 PM
Special Permit Request Continuance
Ralph and Marianne Martone
23 Shore Drive
Book 9650
Page 2331

Don Garfield, builder, accompanied the Martones and explained the new plans that the Board had requested. The height of the addition will not exceed 24’ 6”. The length of the house will be 38’ and the width will be 24’ 6” including the overhang. Voting in favor of the project were Sarto Caron, Don Beal, Ron Seaburg, and Todd

8:05 PM
The meeting was adjourned.

Building Inspector, Town Clerk, Executive Secretary, HCC, and ZBA file.

Submitted by:

Ronald Seaburg, Secretary