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Zoning Minutes 5-20-08

                            Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
                                     Meeting Minutes

Date:           May 20, 2008

Present:        Sarto Caron, Chairperson
                Don Beal, Scribe and Acting Secretary
                Ray Korny, Member
                Todd Mayo, Associate Member

7:00 PM Sarto read a notice to be sent to Mr. Peter Frei regarding Mr. Frei’s appeal of a denial made by Jack Keough upon his request to remove, dismantle or demolish a dwelling located off Stafford Road. A discussion       of the appeal and the wording of the letter followed. The notice must be sent to Mr. Frei within 60 days of his request for an appeal.

7:40 PM Malcolm and Elma Rood
                Special Permit Request
                2 Ames Trail
                R16-C-02        Book 3953       Page 50

        The Rood’s were represented by Steve Bressette of Jalbert Engineering.  They want to tear down the existing house and build a new house. The Board reviewed the plans submitted and discussed the observations made at the site review on May 9, 2008. The new house will be larger but will have a narrower footprint and decrease the side setbacks from their current values.
        Voting in favor of the project were Sarto Caron, Don Beal, and Ray Korny.

8:00 PM The Board discussed a letter pertaining to a previous decision concerning Lot 2 on Barney Road. The Variance issued at that time was not valid a year after the date of issuance because no construction was started. The new owners must re-apply for another variance.

8:25 PM Meeting adjourned.

CC:             Building Inspector, Executive Secretary, Town Clerk, HCC, and ZBA File.

                Submitted by:

                Don Beal, Acting Secretary