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Zoning Minutes 5-15-07
Holland Zoning Board of Appeals
Meeting Minutes

Date: May 15, 2007

Present: Don Beal, Scribe
Ray Korny, Member
Sarto Caron, Chairperson
Ron Seaburg, Secretary
Todd Mayo, Associate

The minutes of May 1, 2007 were read and accepted.

7:30 PM Variance Request
Andrew Harhay
Mashapaug Road
R3-A-105, Lot 5

Andre Cormier, builder, represented Mr. Harhay. Mr. Harhay requests that the side setback requirement on the East side of lot-5 be reduced 10'. Abutter Carol Goodspeed, owner of adjacent lots 28 through 32 was present. Ms. Goodspeed showed the Board a 1941 map identifying her lots and other lots adjacent to the property in question. Mr. Cormier explained the current project and past history of the property. Apparently the property was given a Special Conservancy District status in the 1980's. A bylaw was added that required a 50' setback be imposed if the property abutted a residential neighborhood.~ The intent of this bylaw was to protect abutting properties from any non-residential building project. While no commercial development occurred, the 50' side setback buffer to adjoining properties that had been put in place was never removed. Therefore, the residential development now taking place has two lots with homes built to present setback rules and finds them in violation of the Special Conservancy District by-law. All involved in the building process chain have overlooked this 50' setback bylaw. Jack Keough recognized the error after the first house was completed. The house on lot-5 was well under construction when a stop order was placed on the project.~ The Board recognizes that the intent of the 50' setback to provide an extra buffer against commercial development rather than to impose a restriction for residential use has had an unreasonable outcome.~

A site review was scheduled for Friday, May 18th at 8:00 AM. A continuance was scheduled for June 5th, at 7:30 PM.

8:00 PM Variance Request
William Garrett
R3-A-101, Lot 1
Andre Cormier, builder, represented Mr. Garrett. Mr. Garrett requests that the side setback requirement on the West side of lot-5 be reduced 10'.~ Tracie Gardner, 329 Mashapaug Road, an abutter was present. Also present was Stephanie Gardner, the previous owner of 392 Mashapaug Road. Mr. Cormier explained the project and past history of the property to the abutters. The setback issues for lot 5 also apply for lot 1.

A site review was scheduled for Friday, May 18th at 8:30 PM.
A continuance was scheduled for June 5, at 7:45PM.

8:30 PM Special Permit Request Jeffrey Flannery and Johanna Flannery
18 Craig Road~~~~~~~ Book 14950, Page 560

Mr. Flannery wants to add a second story and extend the basement 9' in the rear of the house.
A site review was scheduled for Friday at 9:00 AM.  A continuance was scheduled for June 5th at 8:00 PM.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

CC: Building Inspector
Executive Secretary
Town Clerk
ZBA Files

Submitted by:

Ronald Seaburg, Secretary