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Library Minutes 12/05/2014
                                                                            Holland Public Library
                                                                               Board of Trustees

Meeting minutes for December 5, 2014
Members present:  Peggy Lowell and Lynn Harhay
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 3:30PM

Old Business
  • Interviews:  The interview with Nancy Kupiec was cancelled by the candidate
  • Selection of new director:  The Trustees reviewed the five candidates’ resumes and the information given at the interviews and a decision was made to offer the position to Jessi McCarthy.  A telephone call was made to Ms. McCarthy and she immediately accepted
  • Letters to candidates:  The secretary was charged with writing and sending letters to the candidates who were not chosen
  • Contract:  The secretary offered to review the MBLC’s sample contract, make changes for the Town of Holland and send copies to the Trustees
  • Wages review:  The secretary offered to review Holland’s library assistants’ wages and compare them to other towns of similar size before the Library’s meeting with the Finance Board on January 28, 2015
  • The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 4:15PM
  • Next meeting: December 18, 2014
Minutes submitted by:  Lynn Harhay, secretary