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Library Minutes 11/20/2014
                                                               Holland Public Library
                                                                 Board of Trustees

Meeting minutes for November 20, 2014
Members present:  Peggy Lowell, Janet Mullins, Lynn Harhay; Libby Westie, Director
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:02PM

Old Business  
  • Minutes:  The minutes of the October meeting were approved as written; voted 2-0
  • Director’s report:  Libby presented her monthly report and is included with these minutes
  • Pending Director’s duties:  This item was tabled
  • Tree and tree lighting:  Michael Thibault will install a tree, but a lighting ceremony has not been planned
New Business  
  • Mission statement:  The Library’s mission statement on the Town’s website needs to be reworked, but no action was taken at the meeting
  • Application review and candidate selection:  Nine applications for the position of library director were reviewed and six candidates were chosen for interviews, five in person and one by telephone.  December 3,4,and 5 were chosen for interviews, with December 11 available for second interviews if needed and a final decision to be made on December 12.
  • Commonwealth E-book Project:  Libby reviewed for the trustees a new e-book project that uses Overdrive; the cost would be $237; the Board voted 3-0 to join
  • Contract for new director:  Massachusetts law requires a written contract with library directors in towns that do not have a charter; Libby will look at the sample contract provided by the MBLC and compare it with her questions regarding the job
  • Next meeting:  December 18, 2014
  • The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 6:25    
Minutes submitted by:  Lynn Harhay, secretary