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Library Minutes 04/03/2014
Holland Public Library
Board of Trustees

Meeting minutes for April 3, 2014
Members present:  Janet Mullins, Lynn Harhay; Libby Westie, Director; absent-Peggy Lowell
Old Business
  • Approval of minutes:  voted 2-0
  • Director’s report
  • Book Club:  Plans are in process for a May book (Huck Finn) ,a field trip and a speaker
  • Needs Assessment:  There is nothing new to report; Libby needs to do some reading and research the process  
  • Roof:  Repairs have been scheduled, but the exact date is not known
  • Policies:  Janet’s ‘Behavior’ policy is being researched; Peggy’s ‘Internet’ policy will be voted on at the next meeting; Lynn will be ready with her policy
  • Historical Society:  No one person is willing to take control; Libby will continue to catalog what’s in the Library
  • Furnace:  The bill was forwarded to Amy who has paid it
  • CORI  checks:  Checks need to be done for Cindi and Joanie;  will the Town pay for them?
  • Student interns:  Several students from Tantasqua were assigned to help in the Library, but did not arrive for their work times
New Business
  • Summer reading:  Libby will meet with the teacher; the materials have arrived; a crew is needed to help
  • Book sale:  Sale will be held on the Town-wide yard sale date; date to be determined
  • Performance reviews for assistants:  Libby will do them for Cindi and Joanie
  • Town meeting:  Libby will research selling the lot that the Library owns
  • Additional hours:  There will be a discussion at the next meeting regarding adding hours
  • Home Day:  A Town resident approached the Board of Selectmen regarding the initiation of a Home Day; the Library could be involved in some way
  • Caucus:  Janet or Lynn will be up for re-election this year and will need to be nominated at the Caucus
  • Book recommendations:  Libby would like to add a staff and trustees bulletin board for book recommendations; the board has been purchased; there was discussion on where and how to attach the board to existing shelves
  • Libby’s Priority List:  Trustees were asked to review and prioritize the items on Libby’s To-Do List
  • Vouchers:  Vouchers were signed for Baker and Taylor-$263.64, $41.84, and $147.91; for Verizon -$39.42, $39.95, $41.72, $41.11, and $42.95; Staples-$68.32; Demco-$112.55
  • Next meeting:  April 24, 2014; 4PM
Minutes submitted by:  Lynn Harhay, secretary