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Board of Health Agenda 03/09/2015
Monday March 9th @5pm the Holland BOH will meet with the Region 2 Disaster Preparedness Coordinator:

Sara Darlagiannis
Public Health Emergency Planner
c/o Office of Health & Medical Preparedness
Department of Public Health
25 Meade Street
Worcester, MA 01610

She will be bringing the MOU for use of the school in a public health event requiring prophylaxis for your board to review and sign.

Also will discuss emergency contacts with Brimfield and obtaining access to emergency supplies located at the school.

~Will also talk about drive through locations in town along with Closed sites.~

This BOH Meeting is dedicated to Disaster Preparedness and our role should there be an adverse event.

~ There will be no other BOH business conducted at the March 9th meeting but the public is welcome to attend.~