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Finance Board Minutes 04/16/2014

         Town of Holland, MA—Finance Board      
                               Meeting Minutes

                                             April 16, 2014  

Call To Order

The Chairman called to order a meeting of the Holland Finance Board at 7:40 PM on April 16, 2014 at the Holland Town Hall.

Roll Call

Finance Board members present:  Andrew Harhay, Ernest Fancy, John Ebersold, John Phelps and Mike Brady.
Selectboard member present: Jim Wettlaufer.

Approval of Minutes
The draft minutes of the April 2, 2014 had been previously distributed for review. The minutes were amended to correct the Next Meeting date and unanimously approved.

New Business

Winter Road Damage: Highway Surveyor Brian Johnson attended to brief the group on the increased damage to Town roads as a result of the harsh winter, with its many temperature swings. He requested funds to add Kimball Hill, Island Road and Lake Road to the previous list of FY15 road improvement projects, and postponed design work for Union Road. It was decided to put the $25K originally earmarked for the Roadway Stabilization Fund directly into the Highway Department’s Road Improvement Projects line item. That, together with the additional $23K in Chapter 90 funding for ‘pothole’ repairs, should allow the recommended roadwork to be addressed.

Open Issues

General Discussion of FY15 Budget Items:
  • It was agreed to recommend purchase of Highway dump truck in FY15 and delay consideration of a Fire Department tanker until FY16. There are a number of options for a tanker that remain to be evaluated.
  • BOS Chairman Wettlaufer indicated that the responsibility for HR-type functions might be transferred from the Treasurer to the Executive Secretary. If this change is made by the BOS, the budget might have to be increased by ~ $3,500.
  • It was agreed to recommend a salary adjustment for our Principal Assessor; the adjustment will amount to ~ $3,100.
  • The members had opportunity to review the salary study that compared the wages paid to the Library Director in eleven similarly-sized towns surrounding Holland. The Trustees had proposed a increase of $3,000; the members decided to recommend a $1,500 wage adjustment for FY15.
  • Rather than adding money to the budget for a new sign at the Community Center, Selectman Wettlaufer indicated that he would make the request to have it build by Tantasqua students as a woodworking project.
  • Quotes have been received for replacing tiles and carpeting in the Town Hall, due to safety concerns; cost information will be provided prior to our next meeting.
  • There was discussion as to the best funding option, should the Police SUV need to be replaced in FY15. The H/W mechanic is to evaluate the condition of the 2005 Ford Explorer SUV and provide a recommendation.
Next Meeting
April 30, 2014

`The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:50 PM.

Minutes submitted by:  Andrew Harhay, Chairman

cc:  Board of Selectmen, Town Clerk, Treasurer, Collector, Assessors, Accountant