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Finance Board Agenda 05/21/2014
Town of Holland, MA—Finance Board                

     Meeting Agenda


                                May 21, 2014

Call To Order
Meeting to start at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 in the Town Hall. The Finance Board will meet jointly with the Board of Selectmen for development of the FY15   proposed budget.
Approval of Minutes
       April 30, 2014 Draft Minutes  
New Business
      Articles on ATM Warrant – Review and Develop Recommendations
Open Issues
  • Latest Revenue Projection
  • Review of FY15 Budget  Operating Expense Line Items
  • Review of Expenditures from Free Cash
  • Open Forum for Items Not Anticipated in Advance
Next Meeting
  • May 22, 2014 – If Needed for Further Review of Articles
  • Annual Town Meeting – May 27, 2014