Holland Conservation Commission
~27 Sturbridge Road, Holland Ma 01521
Minutes of Commission meeting held on April 22, 2014
Present Members: Chairperson, James Wettlaufer; Marcia Beal; Pat Caron; Fran Gallo.
7:00 pm. James Wettlaufer, Chairperson, called meeting to order.
Motion by JW to waived reading and accept amended minutes from April 8th, 2014; MB (2nd).
- Elias Hanna, Property located corner of Sturbridge and Leno Road, Map #R3/B/46/1. DEP # 184-0295.
- Discussed. Tentative NOI scheduled for May 13th, 2014.
- Discussed Streamflow Statistics Report.
- Flow gauge installed in the river over 2 years ago, is now going to be removed because we meet all necessary requirements.
- Report stated the annual raising and lowering of the lake closely matches nature - Comparison made to wetlands not having dam.
Walk Ins:
- Bob St. Jacques, 8 Collette Drive, Map# R14/A/10. Would like to remove several conifers and one deciduous tree from property. Provided pictures - removal as follows:
- Two 16’ DBH rapidly declining Red Pine (suffering from Red Pine Scale).
- One 24” Dead Red Maple with large pocket of decay in main stem.
- One 12” Red Pine (with no bark) at right of house and along driveway.
- One DBH dead Red Pine at right of driveway entrance.
- PC advised to leave tree stumps.
- BS will completely remove and dispose of all debris.
- JW reviewed map of property. Arborist Barry Dolby, from Mountain Tree Service, will remove trees.
- BS advised they start working on the lawn this weekend. JW advised to order to protect the lake - do not to use nitrogen on the lawn.
Procedure sheet signed with conditions listed on quote from Mountain Tree Service, Somers, CT.
- Lois Tibbetts, 31 Pine Tree Drive, Map# R41/B/15.
- Neighbor has put up a wall on their property – LW now experiencing problem with run-off -Staircase is now pitched due to neighbor’s renovations.
- JW advised Massachusetts state law states one cannot divert drainage water onto someone else’s property.
- JW advised to start by speaking with the zoning enforcement officer - not a conservation issue.
- Carlo J. and Gina L. Dilizia, 25 Candlewood Drive, Map# R29/F/14. No water.
- GD would like to dig up non-functioning waterline and replace with pipe 4 feet underground from well to home.
- GD advised it will be dug by hand.
- JW advised the trench must be dug at least 3 feet deep and dug by my hand. Additionally, haybales and/or silt-fence must be used to protect the wetland.
Discussed lawsuit with Hampton Bank regarding neighbor’s leech field on property.
Procedure sheet signed.
- Joseph & Marlene Gay, 17 Craig Road, R21/C/03 – Tear down and rebuild home.
- JW advised outside of buffer zone. Not a conservation issue.
Procedure sheet signed.
- Charlene Henhault-Henchey, 30 Stony Hill Road, Map# 35/C/12. Represented by Andy Cormier, requesting a retaining wall be built by water’s edge - replacing existing boulders with pre-cast concrete blocks.
- AC asked to add an amendment to existing NOI.
- JW advised that because of the major construction, project it cannot just be added, must re-apply.
- JW advised detailed narrative needed.
- JW advised an NOI to insure the DEP’s criteria is met.
- JW advised the project is feasible but IT MUST BE DESIGNED and OUTLINED CORRECTLY. Narrative must prove that it is not detrimental to wetland, but since the drawing indicates the wall is in the flood zone it would be filling in the flood zone – which cannot be done.
8:40 PM - JW made a motion to adjourn, seconded by MB. All in favor
Respectfully Submitted,
Fran Gallo
CC: Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA, File and HCC Chairperson, Board Clerk.
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