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Minutes 3-25-14
Holland Conservation Commission
~27 Sturbridge Road, Holland Ma 01521
Minutes of Commission meeting held on March 25, 2014
Present Members: Chairperson, James Wettlaufer; Marcia Beal; Fran Gallo.
Absent: Neil Byrne; Pat Caron
7:00 pm. James Wettlaufer, Chairperson, called meeting to order.
Motion by JW to waived reading and accept minutes from February 11, 20114; MB (2nd).
  • Amy Grossi 18 Butterworth Road, Map 5/B/13 – 2 acres of trees are being harvested.    
  • Neil Byrne, HCC member.  Resignation letter received - effective February 15, 2014.  Neil B. has moved permanently to North Carolina.
  • Elias Hanna, Property located corner of Sturbridge and Leno Road, Map R3/B/46/1. Letter from Burton Engineering, signed by Nicole Croteau, along with a check for $262.50.  Since town is an abutter/town was also sent an NOI.  Requesting a public hearing to build a home on property previously donated to the town.  HCC awaiting new DEP file number.  JW advised they will need a data sheet for DELINIATION OF THE WETLANDS and a check of $40 for the advertising cost.  HCC proposed public hearing for April 22, 2014 – 7:30. Will discuss further at next meeting.
  • Brain Boire, Representing Raymond Boire, 8 Shore Road, Map R01/A/10.  Request for public hearing – HCC scheduled tentative public meeting for April 8, 2014.  FG will call later in week to confirm before ad is placed - $40.00 check is needed.
  • Kathleen Hunt 225 Mashapaug Road, Map R28/F/3, DEP FILE#184-0292 – Letter from Leslie Duthie, botanist consultant, asking for an HCC site visit– visit will be made sometime late April early May.   

  • Henry P. Baillargeon 215 Mashapaug Road R28/A/5.  Advised board that he removed a fence and a gate from the RIGHT AWAY between his property and William Libretto’s property (221 Mashapaug Road).
  • JW advised not a conservation issue, but a civil matter between the 2 home owners. Until someone actually creates a violation of the wetland protection act there is not much conservation can do.  Added, as far as the town is concerned, there is nothing that can be done – only those that have deeded right to the property can do anything.
  • Krenzul, Gary 81 Sturbridge Road R18/A/2/1.  Neighbor directly across from E. Hanna’s property.
  • JW advise JK of current situation on property owned by E. Hanna.
  • HCC will look into the situation and contact GK when we get more info.
  • Charlene Henchey 30 Stony Hill Road, Map R10/A/22, DEP#184-0290 – CH, along with Andy Cormier (builder), brought in plans to do additional work by water.
  • JW advised, because they are at the water’s edge, they will need an NOI.
  • JW further advised HCC will need more a detailed drawing of proposed wall, including pictures of the property.
  • Mike Vienes & Lauren Barker 17 Lakeridge Drive, Map R04/A/21. In the process of purchasing property.  Would like to remove trailer and build a new home, in addition to removing dead trees by the waterfront.
  • JW advised they must be official owners of the properties before the HCC can give them permission to do any work.
  • JW further advised what the HCC will need when they are ready - detailed drawing of proposed work/plot plan/view of property from lake/detailed photos/etc.
7: 39 PM - JW made a motion to adjourn, seconded by MB. All in favor
Respectfully Submitted,
Fran Gallo
CC: Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA, File and HCC Chairperson, Board Clerk.