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Minutes 2-11-14
Holland Conservation Commission
~27 Sturbridge Road, Holland Ma 01521

Minutes of Commission meeting held on February 11, 2014
Present Members: Chairperson, James Wettlaufer; Marcia Beal; Fran Gallo.
Absent: Neil Byrne; Pat Caron

Other:  Joanne Higgins, Highway Clerk; Brian Boire.
7:00 pm. James Wettlaufer, Chairperson, called meeting to order.
Motion by JW to waived reading and accept minutes from January 28, 2013; MB (2nd).
Old Business:

  • Highway Bundled OOC – DEP FILE #184-0291. Prior to meeting, JW discussed OOC at length with David Foulis (Environmental Analyst from DEP).  Per advisement, in order to avoid filing water quality certifications, the Holland Highway Department has requested the conservation commission to:
  • Strike out the section below, listed under section C in OOC.
“When replacing cross culverts, work will one be done when there is no flow in the culvert and no rain in the immediate forecast (48 hours).  Erosion controls will be installed and will remain in place until all disturbed areas are stabilized.”  

  • and, insert in its place, hereby:
“Any proposed work (as defined at 310 CMR. 10.04 “Work”) otherwise described within this Order of Conditions, when within any “Water of the United States within the Commonwealth” (as defined at 314 CMR 9.02), shall require the filing of a separate Notice of Intent, and may require a Water Quality Certification and/or a US Army Corps of Engineer approval in addition.”

  • Order of Conditions to be sent to Holland Highway Department and Massachusetts DEP along with a cover letter stating above. An additional copy will be filed at the HCC.

  • Raymond Boire, 8 Shore Lane, Map# R1/A/10, Brian Boire representing Raymond Boire, would like to replace existing retaining wall along water’s edge.
  • JW asked what will be done with debris – BB stated they most likely will obtain a dumpster.
  • JW advised an RDA needed (obtained from the DEP’s website).  
  • JW further advised, a more detailed narrative is needed so HCC will know where the high water mark is in relation to the retaining wall.      
  • BB will return with additional information and hearing will be scheduled when paperwork is returned.
7: 31 PM - JW made a motion to adjourn, seconded by MB. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Frances Gallo
CC: Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA, File and HCC Chairperson, Board Clerk.