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Minutes 6-11-2013
Holland Conservation Commission

Minutes of Commission meeting held on June 11, 2013.

Present were: James Wettlaufer, Chairperson, Marcia Beal, Neal Byrne, Patricia Caron and Marianne Martone.  Absent: Fran Gallo.

7:00 p.m.  Chairperson called the meeting to order.  The minutes of May 14, 2013 were not read.

Old Business:
I received an email from Paul Roman stating that he regretfully is resigning from the Conservation Commission due to time conflictions.  The email was forwarded to Kristin LaPlante, Town Clerk.

Jim received numerous complaints about the activity on the beach across the street from PJ’s Town Crier.  Jim Wettlaufer reported having, on the evening of June 4th, stopped a Holland Aqua Rider volunteer who was running a mini excavator on the beach. The mini was not in the water but had been working to remove a cement platform that extended to the high water mark and rocks. The concrete was broken and piled up on the beach.  He had already grated the sand to level it.  The president of the ski club (owners of the beach) called Jim and wanted to know how he could make up for his mistake.  He asked him to put out a section of silt fence to protect for the erosion that is likely to occur with the coming weather.  He requested that they appear at our Tuesday meeting.  Mark Stinson of the Springfield Mass DEP requested that an Enforcement Order be sent to the owner.  Jim Wettlaufer brought in his laptop showing pictures of the beach.

7:30 p.m.  The scheduled Public Hearing of a Notice of Intent for Brad Noble’s project #184-0286 to repair a septic system at 53 Sandy Beach Rd. was held.  No abutters came.  Mark Farrell of Green Hill Engineering presented the project.  Following discussion, Neal Byrne made a motion to accept the project, seconded by Marianne Martone.  All were in favor of closing the hearing at 7:50 p.m.
Members signed the Order of Conditions.

Mark Farrell gave us the Recorded Certificate of Compliance for Leslie M. Germaine’s project to repair a septic system at 56 Mashapaug Rd., DEP File # 184-0270.

7:50 p.m.  Gary Naples and Kenneth Jones, owner of the beach across the street from PJ’s Town Crier, explained their actions and are more than willing to comply with the Enforcement Order and include a restoration plan.

8:15 p.m.  Andy Cormier represented his brother Craig Cormier of 133 East Brimfield Rd., Map 01-D-04 to build an addition to his house.  Having no Conservation issues, James Wettlaufer signed the Procedure Sheet.

8:30 p.m.  Jim Dusza of 342 Mashapaug Rd. spoke of his need to repair his lakeside retaining wall.  He was told that a Notice of Intent would be required.

8:40 p.m.  On May 28, 2013 we received from Bertin Engineering of Southbridge MA a Notice of Intent for Elias Hanna to build a new house and subsurface disposal system at the corner of Sturbridge Rd. and Leno Rd, Lot 1.  The firm was notified that the earliest that a Public Hearing could be held is July 9, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.  
Upon investigation in the Minutes of September 13, 2004, Lot 1 was deeded to the Holland Conservation Commission because that property is a Priority Habitat and also Estimated Habitat for rare wild life.  To our knowledge, we never received a deed.  The Bertin Engineering Firm will be notified and informed of this situation.

8:50 p.m. Sparky LaMontagne, builder and homeowner Joe Niemiroski of 25 Old County Rd. again spoke of their project and were informed that a Notice of Intent is required.

8:55 p.m.  Jim Wettlaufer made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Neal Byrne.  All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted by

Patricia Caron, Secretary

Copies to Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA, File and HCC Chairperson.