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Minutes 11-8-11
Holland Conservation Commission

Minutes of Commission meeting held on November 8, 2011.

Present: Nathan Gumlaw, Chairperson, Patricia Caron, Mary Lovett and Marianne Martone.  Absent: Marcia Beal and James Wettlaufer

Chairperson called the meeting to order.  The minutes of October 25, 2011 were read and accepted and will be distributed.

Old Business:
We received Robert Phelps’ Recorded Order of Conditions; Procedure Sheet #1462 was signed and given to Jack Keough, Building Commissioner.

We received from J & P Engineering Services a Request for Determination of Applicability for Christopher Wszolek of 95 Maybrook Rd. to repair a septic system. The Public Hearing will be at 7:30 p.m. on November 22, 2011 if agreeable with the petitioner.  A site visit will be done prior to this hearing.

Members signed the following:
1 - Order of Conditions for Michael Thibeault, DEP File #184-0271;
2 - Order of Conditions for Thomas Sargeant, DEP File #184-0269;
3 - Order of Conditions for Robert LaBonte, DEP File #184-0266;

7:40 p.m.  The scheduled Public Hearing for a Request for Determination of Applicability for Edward Cusson to repair a septic system at 10 Blodgett Rd., Map 20-C-11 was held. No abutters came.  Mark Farrell of Green Hill Engineering reviewed the plot plan.  Following discussion, Nathan Gumlaw made a motion to accept the project with a Negative Determination, seconded by Mary Lovett and all were in favor of closing the Hearing at 7:55 p.m.

8:00 p.m.  The scheduled Public Hearing of a Notice of Intent for Siobhan Caswell-Gladas, DEP File #184-0272 to drill a new well at 27 Lee Ave., Map R-28-C-5 was held.  No abutters came. Mark Farrell of Green Hill Engineering reviewed the plot plan.  Following discussion, Mary Lovett made a motion to accept the project, seconded by Marianne Martone and all were in favor of closing the Hearing at 8:10 p.m.  

8:10 p.m.  Robert and John Scott spoke of 2 of their issues regarding their lakefront property at 12 Leno Rd.
1 – They wish to extend their Coir Logs an additional 800 feet along the lakefront bank which has eroded in what they call the “swamp area”.  They had a similar project done with a Notice of Intent in 2004, DEP File #184-175.  They questioned whether they would require another Notice of Intent or would a Request for Determination of Applicability be suitable for this replication;
2 – They have severe beaver damage along their lakefront bank – pictures were shown – the beavers have dug up to the very top of the bank.  They would like to fill these holes with a suitable material and questioned how best to proceed.  They were informed by Nathan Gumlaw that he would call Mark Stinson, Circuit Rider of the Western Region of the DEP with these issues and would respond by e-mail.

8:30 p.m.  The scheduled Public Hearing of a Notice of Intent for Pauline Frederick, DEP File #184-0273to repair a deteriorating lakefront wall at 7 Massaconnic Tr., Map R-7-A-12 was held.  No abutters came. Mark Farrell of Green Hill Engineering reviewed the plot plan.  He was informed that this project was not a Category 1 but a Category 5.  He will issue a new filing fee. Following discussion, Mary Lovett made a motion to accept the project, seconded by Marianne Martone and all were in favor of closing the Hearing at 8:45 p.m.  

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Patricia Caron, Secretary

Copies to Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA, File and HCC Chairperson.