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Minutes 9/8/09
Holland Conservation Commission
Minutes of Commission meeting held on September 8, 2009.
Present:  Mary vandenBerg, Chairperson, Marcia Beal, Patricia Caron, Howard Fife, Nathan Gumlaw and James Wettlaufer.

Chairperson called the meeting to order.

The Minutes of August 25, 2009 were read and accepted and will be distributed.

We received from Green Hill Engineering a Notice of Intent and Filing Fee for Allan Burrill of 26 Stony Hill Rd. Map R-35-C-14 to install a holding tank.  The Public Hearing is scheduled for October 13, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.

We discussed the annual drawdown of Hamilton Reservoir.  October 13, 2009 is the date we will recommend to the Select board.

7:30 The scheduled Public Hearing for a Notice of Intent for Edward Manicki to rebuild an existing lakeside retaining wall at 189 Mashapaug Rd., Map R-28-A-03, DEP File #184-0238 was held.  Following discussion, motion was made by Howard Fife to approve the project.  All were in favor.  A silt fence is to be used to provide erosion control along the shore.  All were in favor of closing the Hearing at 7:45 p.m.

7:45 p.m.  David Buccelli of DB Tree would like to cut five (5) maple trees for Susanne Choate at 26 Brandon St.  Mary vandenBerg requested that he mark the five trees for her to check out.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia J. Caron, Secretary

Copies to:  Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA, File and HCC Chairperson.