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Minutes 6/9/09
Holland Conservation Commission
Minutes of Commission meeting held on June 9, 2009.
Present:  Marcia Beal, Patricia Caron, Howard Fife, Acting Chairman, Nathan Gumlaw and James Wettlaufer. Absent:  Mary vandenBerg.

7:05 p.m.  Chairperson called the meeting to order.

The Minutes of May 19, 2009 were read and accepted and will be distributed.

7:05 p.m.  Members signed the Order of Conditions for the following:
1 - Kate and Anthony Landers of 3 Alexander Rd., DEP File #184-0234 to repair their septic system near the Quinebaug River;
2 - Michael and Laurie Lyman for the project at 346 Mashapaug Rd., Map R6-A-11 & 12.for building a 2 bedroom house;
3 - Rocco Carabetta, DEP File #184-0233, for his project at 19 Craig Rd. to build a single family house;
4 - Richard and Cindy Robbins of 230 Stafford Rd., DEP File #184-0237 to repair septic system near Stevens Brook.
Member signatures were notarized by Kristin LaPlante, Notary Public.

7:10 p.m.  Robert L. Terwilliger of 51 Sandy Beach Rd., map R36-K-07 presented pictures of 3 dead trees that he would like to cut down.  All were in favor of the project.  Howard Fife signed Procedure Sheet #2008-1336 with the condition that “stumps and roots ought to remain”.

7:15 p.m.  Roy St. Andre of 17 Candlewood Dr. presented pictures of his collapsing cement retaining wall.  He plans to break up the large cement pieces into smaller pieces and restack the wall.  All were in favor of the project.  Howard Fife signed the Procedure Sheet.

7:30 p.m.   The scheduled Public Hearing for a Notice of Intent for Highway Superintendent, Brian Johnson of the Town of Holland for the Sturbridge Road Drainage and Road Improvements project was held.  The following abutters were present: Christine and Richard Haller, Mary and Larry Mandell, Ken Fontaine, Karen Martin, Ann Lovelace, Marshall Martel and John O’Neil.  Brian Johnson and Kristin LaPlante represented the Town.  Anthony Wonseski, Senior Engineer of SVE Engineering, Planning, Landscaping Architecture, and Surveying presented the plans.  Following discussion, motion was made by Howard Fife to accept the project and seconded by James Wettlaufer.  All were in favor of the project and that the Order of Conditions should include:
1 – A soil survey must be done;
2 – UIC permits must be obtained.
All were in favor of closing the Hearing at 8:10 p.m.

8:15 p.m.  The scheduled Public Hearing for Steve Thompson of 116 Wales Rd., Map 16, Parcel E-11.7 to construct an addition to his house 63’ from an intermittent stream was held.  No abutters came.  Following discussion, James Wettlaufer made a motion for a Negative Determination and seconded by Howard Fife.  All were in favor of the project and closing the hearing at 8:25 p.m.

8:30 p.m.  Jim Vail, builder, prior to purchasing property on Kimball Hill/Forest Park questioned whether we had any conservation issues.  He was informed that there are no wetland issues, but that he must keep storm water on the property and not allow runoff onto the road.

8:55 p.m.  James and Patricia Iancale of 55 Island Rd., map R11-B-08 want to add a “second floor to original footprint”.   Plans were reviewed.  All were in favor of the project.  Howard Fife signed Procedure Sheet #2008-1333 with the condition that “a dumpster be on-sight, excess soil removed from site and hay bails be placed on lake side”.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia J. Caron, Secretary

Copies to:  Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, ZBA, File and HCC Chairperson.