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Minutes 2/27/07
                              HOLLAND CONSERVATION COMMISSION

Minutes of Commission meeting held on February 27, 2007

Present: Mary vandenBerg – Chairperson, Steven Anderstrom, James Wettlauffer, Howard Fife, Rolf Hilbig, and Kathleen McGrory.
Absent: Patricia Caron

7:00 PM  Chairperson called the meeting to order.

7:05 PM Minutes of Commission meeting held on February 13, 2007 and February 20, 2007 were read and accepted by all.

7:10 PM Received NOI from Mark Farall (Green Hill Engineering) for 46 StoneyHill Road owned by Mark Gadoury. Chairperson will contact Green Hill Engineering to schedule hearing date.

7:30 PM Mr. James LaMountain and Mr. Michael Lamountain appeared before the commission with several matters for the commission:

1 – Mr. J. LaMountain complained about water and silt from Mashapaug Road running on to his property on Mashapaug Road (Lakeside). Mir amounting said he would stop that from further occurring. Chairperson, Mary vandenBerg, will visit the site and report to the commission at the next meeting.
2 – Mr. J. LaMountain disclosed his intentions to put a ‘stand’ on his property adjacent to Holland Reservoir to sell products from his ‘Farm’. He cited DEP 310 CMR 10.04 which allows a farm structure to be built within the Buffer Zone of the lake or Bordering Land subject to flooding. This section of the DEP regulations pertains to agricultural land. The commission reminded Mr. LaMountain that his property on Mashapaug Road in Holland is not considered a Farm.
3 – Mr. J. LaMountain asked the commission to use the access road on Mashapaug Road to get to the Cabin on his Property. Mr. J. LaMountain stated that no access road existed to the Cabin on the property for at least 50 years. The access road was constructed by the LaMountains without the consent of the commission. A Cease and Desist Enforcement Order was previously written by the commission due to a Perennial stream within 200 FT of the constructed access road. The decision is in the hands of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.

Motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

                                                                                   Respectfully submitted by:

                                                                                   Rolf Hilbig, Acting Secretary

Copies to: Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, File and HCC chairperson.