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Minutes 2/13/07
                           HOLLAND CONSERVATION COMMISSION

Minutes of Commission meeting held on February 13, 2007

Present: Mary vandenBerg – Chairperson, Steven Anderstrom, James Wettlauffer, Howard Fife, Rolf Hilbig, and Kathleen McGrory.
Absent: Patricia Caron

7:00 PM  Chairperson called the meeting to order.

7:05 PM Minutes of Commission meeting held on February 6, 2007 were read, accepted and distributed.

7:10 PM Howie placeFife discussed with the Commission cutting and removal of brush from the bordering vegetated wetlands bordering Hamilton Reservoir by Michael LaMountain on addressStreetMashapaug Road. An Enforcement order was written and will be hand delivered to Mr. LaMountain.

7:20 PM  Howie placeFife received an incomplete application form for the Agricultural Preservation Restriction Program from Mr. James LaMountain.  The application will be returned to Mr. LaMountain with instruction to fulfill the requirements for this program (APR).

7:40 PM Joel Jette submitted an NOI for work to be done on addressStreet28 Hamilton Drive. Public Hearing is set for March 6th, 2007
8:25 PM Continuance of Public Hearing for Violette,  addressStreetMashapaug Road placeLot 2. (NOI)
           New house, garage, driveway and access road to lake. No abutters attended.             Conservation Commission will draw up Order of Conditions.

8:30 PM Discussed with Mark Farrell (Green Hill Engineering) NOI for Robert Terwilliger of addressStreet49/51 Sandy Beach Road.  Public Hearing set for March 13th, 2007.

8:36 PM Hearing closed.

Motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.

                                                                                   Respectfully submitted by:

                                                                                   Rolf Hilbig, Acting Secretary

Copies to: Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector, Highway Surveyor, File and HCC chairperson.