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Minutes 2/28/06

Minutes for Commission Meeting held on February 28, 2006.

Present: Mary vanderberg - Chairperson, Howard Fife, James Wettlaufer, Steven Anderstrom, Rolf Hilbig.
Absent: Pat Caron, Helen Kreiger.

7:10 Chairperson called the meeting to order.

7:12 Minutes of Commission meeting held on February,21st, 2006 were read, accepted and distributed.
Order of Conditions for Virginia Zimmerman (DEP 184-0196) were recorded with Registry of Deeds.
Received Request for Certification of Compliance for Lot 6 Mashapaug Road, Escape Estates.

7:30 Assisted Alfred Boudreau with NOI for 115 Sandy Beach Road.

7:53 John Sneade appeared before commission about Lot 6 Maybrook Road.
Superseding Order of Conditions were recorded with Registry of Deeds.
Commission signed off on Pink Sheet.
Howard Fife will visit lot on Brimfield Road (Map 14 B 207) to check for Conservation issues.

8:50 Motion to adjourn made by Steven Anderstrom, seconded and approved by all.

Respectfully Submitted By:
Rolf Hilbig, Acting Secretary

Copies to: Select Board, Town Clerk, Board of Health, Planning Board, Building Inspector,
Highway Surveyor, File and HCC Chairperson.