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Cemetery Minutes 8-25-08
Holland Cemetery Commission

Minutes of Commission meeting held on August 25, 2008.
Present:  Patricia Caron, Sarto Caron and Brian Johnson.

Minutes of July 28, 2008 were read accepted and have been distributed.

7:00 p.m.  Sylvio C. Boisvert and his sister Rhea L. Naylor having been to the cemetery to select a plot with Sexton Brian Johnson, selected and purchased in Section X, Plots 213 and 214 for Sylvio and Frances R. Boisvert.  Mr. Boisvert has a summer home at 4 Cove Rd., Holland but resides at 60 Derwall Dr., Springfield.  They gave us a check for $505.00 which paid for 2 plots at non-resident rate of $150.00 each plus perpetual care ($50.00) and corner markers ($155.00).

We received a letter from William F. Roberts of Brimfield, MA with a list of neighbor cemeteries and their fees.  We discussed increasing our fees for plots and perpetual care in the event that we have to purchase more land for additional plots.  We tabled any decision until we can determine whether we, as a board, can increase our rates or do we need to present it at a Town meeting as an Article.
Commission adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia J. Caron, Secretary
~Copies to:  Select Board, Town Clerk and File.