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Council on Aging Minutes 11/09/2011

Minutes of meeting held on November 9, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 10:16 a.m. by chairman Sue Sanders

PRESENT:  Bruce Mahon, Lowell Nixon, Olive Nixon, Jack Reed and Susan Sanders.  Others: Senior Center Outgoing Director Margaret Crock, Incoming Director Jane Benedetto, Outreach Worker Deborah Tierney, and Facility Manager Don Sanders.

ABSENT:  Earl Johnson and Brad Noble.

MINUTES:        Motion by Bruce to accept the October 5, 2011, minutes was unanimously approved.

OUTREACH WORKER – Deb reported on the Flu Clinic held in October and the SHINE speaker who spoke about the open enrollment period for changes to Medicare health and prescription plans.  Deb attended a MEMA conference with Selectman Mike Kennedy on 10/18.  Four representatives from Holland attended Board Training presented by Emmett Schmarsow, Program. Manager. COAs & Senior Centers, ELD, on 10/24 at the Leicester Senior Center.  Denise Pontbriand presented “Bone Camp,” prevention and management of osteoporosis.  Fuel assistance applicants have been calling for appointments.  It will be awhile before she will do any Butterworth funding.  Deb’s contract for the third year of the GSSSI grant came in for sign-off by the COA.  Outreach work with several men and women took place at the Senior Center during the week following the storm.  Plans for November include “Lifeline” and Thanksgiving dinners.  December will see a safety seminar by Jeff Forcier of the Holland Police and possibly some entertainment by Lily Lung.  

SENIOR CENTER DIRECTOR:  Margaret Crock reported 1,179 contacts were made in October and 232 seniors were served.  374 attended the Senior Center and 152 attended congregate meals.  The balance includes: intergenerational activities (240), COA meeting (9), blood pressure clinic (12), senior Tax Work-Off Program (20), cards and games (63), exercise (81), entertainment programs (12), stained glass (39), crafts, jewelry and painting (26), speakers (33), meetings (18), Veteran’s Agent (4), and phone calls (96).

PROGRAM COMMITTEE:  Regular programs:  Lunch is served every Monday and Wednesday.  Reservations required.  Please consult the November/December newsletter for a list of weekly activities as well as upcoming programs.  

SENIOR TAX WORKOFF PROGRAM:  The Town will administer this program in the future; therefore, no more reports will be forthcoming from the Senior Center Director.

FINANCIAL:  Brad Noble, Treasurer – In the absence of our Treasurer, a financial report is unavailable this month.

FACILITY MANAGER: The storm and power outage caused some burned-out outlets, and the TV and some computers are no longer functioning.  The pantry door will also need repair.

Motion by Bruce to accept the above reports was unanimously approved.

SELECTMAN MICHAL KENNEDY:  Mike thanked all who helped during the storm.  An insurance claim will be processed for our lost equipment.  He also reported on the cost of debris collection, associated payroll, etc., and is hopeful FEMA and MEMA will reimburse 85%.  He also reports the 5-year grant has expired and the COA control of the Senior Center has lapsed.  He states that this means only that we can be open to more people.  There will be new dedicated generators for the Senior Center and Town Hall.  There will be an event on 12/3 to thank the National Guard for their efforts, and Mike asked that we compile a list of volunteers to thank, as well.  Mike reports he will attend future COA meetings depending on availability.


  • Requests for use of the Senior Center were reviewed and approved.
Motion by Bruce to adjourn the meeting at 11:12 was unanimously approved.

Submitted by:  

Susan Sanders, Secretary

Cc:     Selectpersons
        Town Clerk
Meeting on December 6, 2011
Call to Order at 10:15 a.m.
Approval of minutes of November 9, 2011
Outreach Worker, Senior Center Director
Program Committee, Finance, Facility Manager
Unfinished Business, New Business, Correspondence