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Council on Aging Minutes 09/01/2010
Minutes of meeting held on September 1, 2010

Meeting opened at 10:13 a.m. by Chairman Bruce Plumley

PRESENT:  COA members: Tom Baltazar, Lowell Nixon, Olive Nixon, Brad Noble, Bruce Plumley, Jack Reed, and Susan Sanders.  Others: Senior Center Director Margaret Crock, Manager Don Sanders, Linda Artruc, and Deb Tierney.

ABSENT:  COA Alternate Earl Johnson.
MINUTES:  Motion by Jack, seconded by Brad to accept the August 4, 2010, minutes was approved.


OUTREACH WORKER – Debbie Tierney – Vacations impacted some programs during August.  The fitness equipment is in use.  People would prefer to exercise in privacy, without a spotter.  I suggest having them just sign the waiver and showing them how to use the equipment.  I suggest a large container of hand sanitizer for use in the room.  • Good speakers in August about events and aspects of Brimfield and Holland.  Christopher Tanguay from Southbridge News covered these speakers.  Other papers are not as responsive.  •Outreach is very busy.  More people are coming in for services.  I’m already receiving calls about fuel assistance.  • Request is made for participation at Senior Center events by COA members.  • There is still an opportunity for senior employment at Town Hall, for those 55 and older and of low to moderate income.  • Deb report verbal harassment at her home by a Holland resident who was denied fuel assistance because he did not meet the criteria.  

In June, 1,197 contacts were made and 135 seniors were served.  467 attended the Center, 161 attended congregate meals.  The balance Includes: Intergenerational activities (12), COA meeting (9), blood pressure clinic/AVADA (6), cards & games (116), exercise (142), senior tax work off program (8), Veteran’s agent (11), stained glass (55), meetings and activities (5), crafts (12), garden club and gardening (12), computer (16), speaker (57), phone calls (96).  Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Nixon and Simone Daigle for donation of vegetables, to Chris Haller for herbs, and to Cathy Germaine for a body massager.

As of August 31, 2010, the Senior Center has used the program in the amount of $2,278.00, and the Assessor’s office $44.00.  Total YTD is $2,322.00.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE:  Regular programs:  Lunch is served every Monday as well as on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month – reservations, please.  Monday Veterans Services Agent at noon – reservations needed; Monday Mah Jongg at 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.; Tuesday Stained glass classes at 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m., “Gentle Yoga” from 11:00 to noon, craft class at 1:30 p.m., and Garden Club 2nd Tuesday 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.; Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Arthritis Foundation exercise program at 10:00 a.m. with Eva Pittsinger, and COA meeting on the 1st Wednesday at 10:15, Tai Chi at 4:00 p.m. with David Mascola; Thursday 12:30-3:00 p.m. cribbage, computer classes at 10:00 a.m. with Linda Artruc, and craft classes with Linda from 1:30 to 2:30.  Card games, scrabble and puzzles available daily.  We have some activities after 3:00 p.m. to accommodate those who work.  COA meetings are the 1st Wednesday of each month at 10:15.  At 12:45 on 9/13 Attorney Todd Ratner will discuss Elder Law.  At 12:45 on 9/20 Christian Petersen will talk about the walking trails and a walking group on the Grand Trunk Trail.  From 12:00 to 3:00 on 9/29 we will hold a Garden Party with Linda Artruc, and possibly a speaker.  Reservations please!  On 10/5 from 1:00 to 3:00 AVADA will be here.  At 12:45 on 10/19 Home Care with Judy Yaffee of Homewatch Caregivers, Inc.  On 10/25 at 12:45, Donald Ashe, Hampden County Registrar of Deeds will discuss the Homestead Act, among other thing.  At 12:45 on 11/8 Don Amason from Fallon Insurance will be here with updates.  Friends of Holland Seniors is planning a ham dinner on November 5.  In January 2011 there will be a Red Cross Blood drive.

FINANCIAL:  Brad Noble, Treasurer  
August report includes:  Receipts: GSSSI $1,260.00, and stained glass gifts of $15.00.  Expenditures: Telephone $102.97, supplies $205.97,  exercise classes $60.00, Yoga classes $160.00, trash pickup program $47.80, mileage $42.90, National Grid $115.84, printing/mailing newsletter $146.41, Senior Center supplies $9.98,  lawn care $136.50, stamps $10.02, fire equipment semi-annual inspection $149.65, Howie Fife $29.95, and salaries $1,795.25.  

MANAGER: Don Sanders – Don reports that he will be away on 11/4, the day before the ham dinner.  Bruce offered his help, and that of another person, for prep work on 11/4.  Don will base purchases for the dinner on 150 people attending.  The building is running well. The remainder of the blinds will be installed in the fall.  The garden is up-to-date.  The air-conditioner needs a part and we are waiting for it.  The system is in good shape.  The kitchen only was rented for $125.00.

Motion by Jack and seconded by Tom to accept the above verbal and printed reports was made and approved by the Council on Aging.

OLD BUSINESS:  The MCOA sent information about an umbrella policy for showing video games or playing music. Bruce does not think we are in violation. Tom has a brochure detailing this insurance and asked that we all read it.  We will review this matter next month.
NEW BUSINESS:   Brad brought up increasing the number of alternates on the COA to 2.  He has checked with Emmett Schmarsow and the Secretary of State, and we are permitted to have as many alternates as we want.  Brad explained the duties of alternates.  He gave Karen, an applicant for the COA, a copy of our handbook.  However, Karen lives in Brimfield.  Tom suggested we should bring up the subject of non-residents serving on the COA at the next meeting.  Brad says a job description for alternates is needed, and he submitted a proposed job description. Two weeks notice is required for changes in our by-laws, to have a job description for alternates.  Brad states that in the past he put together our annual budgets without much input.  He wants all job descriptions changed requiring participation in the budgeting process.  Motion by Bruce, seconded by Jack, to approve change in job descriptions of COA members, Senior Center Director, Manager, and Outreach Worker to include participation in the budgeting process was unanimously carried.  Approval given by Bruce for expenditure for a new toner cartridge for the copy machine.

Margaret requests new tablecloths.  Bruce asked how much it will cost.  It is estimate they will cost $150.  Motion by Jack, seconded by Tom, to approve $150.00 for tablecloths.

Motion made by Jack, seconded by Brad, to adjourn the meeting at 11:09 a.m. was approved.

Submitted by:  Susan Sanders, Secretary  

cc:     Selectpersons
Town Clerk

Meeting on October 6, 2010
Call to Order at 10:15 a.m., Approval of minutes of September 1, 2010,
Senior Tax Abatement, Finance, Manager, Old Business, New Business, Correspondence