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Council on Aging Minutes 03/03/2010
Minutes of meeting held on March 3, 2010

Meeting opened at 10:23 a.m. by Vice-Chairman Tom Baltazar.

PRESENT: COA members: Tom Baltazar, Lowell Nixon, Olive Nixon, Brad Noble, Jack Reed, and Susan Sanders.  Others: Senior Center Director Margaret Crock, Manager Don Sanders, Outreach Worker Deb Tierney, and Activities Coordinator Linda Artruc.

ABSENT:  Bruce Plumley
MINUTES:  Motion to accept meeting minutes of February 10, 2010, was seconded and approved.  


OUTREACH WORKER – Debbie Tierney – U.S. Census Representative Judy Campbell came with information about the recruitment and qualification program.  Two application tests will be held in March, on the 8th and the 22nd, at 4:00 p.m.  I put together a Title III grant from GSSSI for mileage and postage and we are waiting to hear their decision. Attached is a letter to Senator Steve Brewer with suggestions regarding moving the registry office to the MA Pike location, as well as his response.  It may be moving from the MA Pike location in the near future.  I was recently asked to provide copies of our newsletter to St. Christopher Church for distribution.  Because of the limited number of extra copies we have, I was unable to accommodate this request.  I generally offer one copy of the newsletter with the suggestion that the front page be copied and made available.  Negotiations have begun with Citizens for Citizens, the agency responsible for Linda’s position as Activities Coordinator.  We are attempting to get a Senior Aide at Town Hall to help the Executive Secretary and we are told we can keep the slot we have at the Senior Center for an Activities Director, but Linda will have to move on to another slot.  We will soon be recruiting for both positions.  There is no word yet from Jan and Mary about doing tax returns at our Senior Center for seniors.  There are people who need this done and there are other people who need computer lessons whom I have referred to the Senior Center.  I understand from Margaret there are Tax Work Off people who need help with the ethics test.  I can help with that.  The completion certificate for the ethics test must be in to Kristin, the Town Clerk, by April 30.  The RMV program “Shifting Gears” which had been rescheduled to March 2nd has again been postponed.

In February, 689 contacts were made and 82 seniors were served.  169 attended the Center, 62 attended congregate meals.  The balance Includes: Cards & games (41), exercise (12), senior tax work off program (5), intergenerational activities (256), phone calls (85), COA meeting (9), stained glass classes (12), AVADA (3), crafts (8), computers (15), meetings, activities and purchases per the Friends (12).  In January we received a donation of tablecloths from Elizabeth Berniche.

As of February 28, 2010, the Senior Center has used the program in the amount of $2,622.00 ($318.00 for two months), Town Clerk $300.00 ($50 for two months), Assessors officer $264.00 ($112 for two months), Tax office ($262), and Holland Elementary School $1,538.00 ($372 for two months). Total YTD is $4,986.00.  
 PROGRAM COMMITTEE:  Regular programs:  Lunch is served every Monday as well as on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month – reservations, please.  Monday Veterans Services Agent at noon – reservations needed; 2nd Monday Garden Club at 10:30 a.m.; Tuesday Stained glass classes at 10:30 a.m. and craft class at 1:00 p.m.; Wednesday 10:00 a.m. exercise class, and COA meeting on the 1st Wednesday; Thursday 12:30-3:00 p.m. cribbage, and crafts from 1:00-3:00 p.m. with Linda Artruc.  Card games, scrabble and puzzles available daily.  St. Patrick’s Day luncheon on Wednesday March 17th at noon with Maggie the Clown to entertain us.  On April 12th at 12:30 there will be a one-act play through the Cultural Grant, “Jerry Atric – The Older I Get” with Steve Henderson is scheduled.  Grant confirmation pending.

FINANCIAL:  Brad Noble, Treasurer  
February report includes:  Receipts: GSSSI $630.00 and gifts totaling $500.00.  Expenditures: Allied Waste $34.22, telephone $66.56, National Grid $81.67, Osterman Gas $529.17, stamps $49.62, GSSSI assessment $91.88, semi-annual inspection $156.50, and salaries $2,044.15.  Brad distributed Treasurer’s report.  Brad provided a Gift Account income and expense report.  

MANAGER: Don Sanders – Everything is working well.  Don requests fertilizer and lime totaling $62.50.  He is checking around for the best deal on mulch.  

Written reports for January from Outreach, Director, Senior Tax Abate and Program Committee were provided to the Council and are included in the records with the March minutes.

Motion to accept all of the above verbal and printed reports was made and approved by the Council on Aging.

OLD BUSINESS:  Tom reports the computers and a new printer are up and running.  Sue is the administrator.  There is a Friends meeting today.  To receive reimbursement from the Friends, an application for funds must be submitting and after approval purchases can be made, followed by submission of request for reimbursement form along with store receipt.  New phones and answering machine have been installed.

NEW BUSINESS:   Birthday party request for 3/21 was approved.  Requests were received for blood drives to be held on July 23, 2010, and January 7, 2011.  A frame is needed for a thank you received from the Red Cross.  Harrington Health Care is offering a mini health fair.  Margaret and Linda will look into what is covered and if there are any related charges.  Thank received from First Baptist Church of Westminster, MA, for donation sent in memory of Kathryn Brown.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m.

Submitted by:  Susan Sanders, Secretary  

cc:     Selectpersons
        Town Clerk

Meeting on April 7, 2010
                                                      Call to Order at 10:15 a.m.
Approval of minutes of March 3, 2010
Reports: Outreach, Senior Center Director, Program,
Senior Tax Abatement, Finance, Manager,
Old Business, New Business, Correspondence