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Council on Aging Minutes 03//04/2009
Minutes of meeting held on March 4, 2009

Meeting opened at 10:20 a.m. by Chairman Bruce Plumley.

PRESENT: COA members:  Tom Baltazar, Harold Hewinson, Earl Johnson, Lowell Nixon, Olive Nixon, Bruce Plumley, and Susan Sanders.  Others: Kitchen Manager: Don Sanders, Maintenance Manager: Paul Gillis, Activities Coordinator: Linda Artruc, Outreach Worker: Deb Tierney.

ABSENT:  Jack Reed, Senior Center Director: Margaret Crock.

Update on Senior Center Director Margaret Crock who is ill.  She is still carrying out her duties from home.  Motion by Harold to present her with a gift card was unanimously approved.

MINUTES:  Motion by Harold to accept the minutes of the February 4, 2009, meeting was seconded and approved.  

REPORTS:  Debbie Tierney, Outreach Worker
Deb submitted written report for February.  To date, $2,700.00 in Butterworth Funds has been distributed to eighteen families.  Linda Artruc is assisting with the compilation of list of handicapped seniors in town.  For those who would like help filing their tax returns, we will have two IRS-trained people available for a week beginning on March 16.  Sign-up is required.  Please call the Senior Center to sign up for a specific time.  We had two programs in February – Lily Lung performed for us on the “pipa”, a Chinese musical instrument she plays and teaches.  She plans to return in April.  Lynn Morin from Morin Insurance came and spoke to us about RMV changes as well as services her agency performs. • Deb is concerned about the mileage reimbursement rate for Lois Dupre.  Currently we must hold the line on her rate, but it will be reviewed for 2009-2010.  Deb reported on our plans to transfer our newsletter printing from Roberts and Sons to Sturbridge Direct (Kowalski).  We do not know if Roberts can match/beat the Sturbridge Direct quote.  A decision will be made when all information is received.  The Overlook facility in Charlton has extended an invitation to lunch and a group tour on 3/11.  Deb anticipates needing about 50 more stamps to finish out the fiscal year.  Paul Gillis expressed concern about letting people know that the Senior Center is available for use by way of the newsletter, which may be in violation of our grant agreement.  Bruce and Earl will look into the wording in the agreement.

FINANCIAL:  Susan Sanders, Treasurer  
Receipts in February were: GSSSI $583.33, Senior Center Gift Account $500.00. Expenditures in February were: M. Crock salary $684.00, Deb Tierney wages $582.80, trash pickup $31.21, electric $179.28, exercise classes $165.00, managers’ wages $535.00, Osterman Propane $541.72, telephone $64.47, Howlett $53.75, newsletter $85.85 and electric work $229.25.  
SENIOR TAX ABATEMENT PROGRAM: Margaret Crock and Harold Hewinson.
As of February 28, 2009 the Senior Center has been charged $2440.00, the Town Clerk has been charged $488.00, Assessors office $60.00, Holland Elementary School $1246.00, Executive Secretary $72.00, and Tax Office $204.00, for a total for all departments of $4,510.00.

In February 769 contacts were made and 93 seniors were served.  273 attended the Senior Center, 125 attended congregate meals, and the balance includes cards & games (61), exercise (27), senior tax work off program (26), intergenerational activity (80), phone calls (70), computers (16), newsletter (4), COA meeting (8), speakers (22), meetings (13), entertainment program (28), crafts (16).  

PROGRAM COMMITTEE:  Margaret Crock, Deb Tierney, Olive Nixon, Linda Artruc.  On February 18th we had a Chinese lunch and program and this feast was the gift of Margaret Crock with donations from Chinese Buffet in Southbridge.
Regular programs: Monday Mah Jong will be on hiatus during the winter; Tuesday 11:00 a.m. craft class; Wednesday 10:00 a.m. exercise class; 11:15 a.m. blood pressure clinic on 4th Wednesday; Thursday 12:30-3:00 p.m. cribbage; crafts from 1:00-3:00 p.m. with Linda Artruc.  A garden club will be starting with the first meeting on April 13.  We hope to introduce scrapbooking at some point.  Other activities include card games, cribbage, puzzles and scrabble.  During the week beginning March 16 tax help will be available from Monday thru Friday, during that week only.  Harrington Hospital Outreach has set up one Wednesday per month, from 11:15 to 12:15, for various lectures and services including: 3/18 - blood sugar screening, 4/8 – sun damage screening, 5/13 – blood pressure screening, 6/10 – emergency preparedness, 7/8 – arthritis lecture, 8/12 – immunization lecture, 9/9 – blood pressure screening/cold vs. flu lecture.  The Red Cross will hold another blood drive sometime in the spring or later.  Future use of the Senior Center includes the Opacum Land Trust meeting on March 26th and a pancake breakfast on June 14th from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. by the Hamilton Reservoir Association.  We have not heard yet about the Grandparents’ Luncheon at HES in the spring.  Other future meals include Mike’s pizza and our June anniversary.  Holland Elementary School requests volunteers to count and roll change from various fundraisers – just show up during school hours.

Paul reports no problems with the building.  We had requested a quote from EWS Plumbing for maintenance of our heating/air conditioning system.  The quote was for $1,000 per year.  It will be less expensive to continue our relationship with Tasse’s.  Paul suggests we limit grass seeding to the front of the building around to the kitchen and the three trees we planted.  

Don reports no problems with the kitchen.  The exterminator will be here soon to perform this annual task.    

Motion to accept all of the above verbal and printed reports was made and approved by the Council on Aging.


NEW BUSINESS - Speaker Christine Haller spoke to us about conducting a learning activity on herbs.  Bruce suggests we offer this activity, outlining expectations and any costs, provide a sign-up sheet and promote this.  With adequate response Christine will conduct this great activity.  Since our computers do not currently have any virus protection, permission was given to sign up for this protection through Cox, our internet provider.  There will be a small monthly cost and Earl said we could go ahead with this.

Reminder: A purchase order form has been developed and is available.  All purchases require approval by Chairman Bruce Plumley.    

Meeting adjourned at 11:28 a.m.

Submitted by:  Susan Sanders, Secretary  

Meeting on April 1, 2009                                                                                         
Call to Order at 10:15 a.m.
Approval of minutes of March 4, 2009
Reports: Outreach, Senior Center Director, Program,
Senior Tax Abatement, Finance, Maintenance,
Kitchen, Old Business, New Business, Correspondence