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Select Board Minutes 11/29/2016
Tuesday November 29, 2016 – 7pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA
Present: Elias Gillen, Chair
Larry Mandell, Member
Bettina Schmidt, Member
Kelli A. Robbins, Executive Secretary

Chairman, Gillen call the meeting to order at 7PM
Motion 112916-1 Mr. Mandell, to waive the reading of the minutes of November 1, and 7, 2016, and accept as written. 2nd Ms. Schmidt. So voted

Dennis Allard, Chairman, Planning Board
Mr. Allard introduced Kevin Pelissier-President, of Mayflower Botanicals (hereinafter “Company”).
Mr. Pelissier, representing Mayflower Botanicals, is interested in setting up a Medical Marijuana grow facility within Holland.  The property is accessed by Rte 15.  Mr. Pelissier explained his local background and where Mayflower Botanicals is within the Massachusetts State licensing process for such locations.
The facility would employ 50-60 full time people.  Mayflower Botanicals is a registered nonprofit corporation.  Mr. Pelissier stated the Company would be working with the town to establish payment in lieu of taxes. Mr. Mandell asked if there is a formula the Company works with to establish payment. Mr. Pelissier stated that is was on a town by town basis but would be in the 3% range.
The tentative time line will be February 2017 for the provisional license, with a goal of early Spring for site development. The facility would consist of administration offices, grow area, lab, commercial kitchen for product preparation, along with a packaging area.  
Ms. Robbins asked if this would strictly a grow facility or growing and dispensing. Mr. Pelissier stated there would not be retail sales on the premises.
Mr. Mandell asked what types of jobs would be available. Mr. Pelissier stated there would be “a good mix of” accounting, HR, gardening, cooking, etc.
Ms. Robbins asked if the Company would be open to reserving some positions for Holland residents.  Mr. Pelissier stated the Company would be agreeable to giving Holland residents preference.
Mr. Gillen asked what the Company’s concerns are at this time, if any.  Mr. Pelissier stated the concerns they have are the unknowns.  
Mr. Gillen inquired as to security for the facility.  Mr. Pelissier explained that their head of security on the project is former police chief, Doug Miller.  The Company’s more concerned with internal security than external, inventory from seed to product, chain of custody.
Audience member, Ms. Valerie Lundin asked where the entrance would be and if it would be visible from the road in Holland. Mr. Pelissier stated it would be accessed via Rte 15 and would not likely be at all visible from the road.
Audience member, Mr. Ernie Fancy asked about the revenue projections and if 3% would come to the town directly. Mr. Pelissier was honest in stating that since no facility is open it is difficult to gauge but if he were to hazard a guess 3% would be in the $250,000 range for payment to the town.
Mr. Pelissier asked for a letter of support to be signed by the Select Board.
Motion 112916-2 Mr. Mandell, for the Chairman of the Select Board to sign a letter of support for Mayflower Botanicals to move forward with a Medical Marijuana Dispensary in Holland. 2nd Ms. Schmidt.  So voted.
Mr. Gillen signed letter
Motion 112916-3, Ms. Schmidt, to appoint Ginger Buteau as the new All Board’s Clerk. 2nd Mr. Mandell.  So voted.
Motion 112916-4, Mr. Mandell, to appoint Valerie Lundin to position of Board of Health, to replace resigned member Erin Evan, until the next election. 2nd Ms. Schmidt. So voted.
Motion 112916-5, Mr. Mandell, to appoint Valerie Lundin to Lake Oversight Committee. 2nd Ms. Schmidt. So voted.
Motion 112916-6, Mr. Gillen, to appoint Mr. Mandell as member to the Capital Planning Commission. 2nd Ms. Schmidt.  So voted.  Mr. Mandell abstained.

Signing of Warrants

Motion 112916-7, Mr. Mandell, To appoint a member, representing the Select Board, to sign warrants, reporting on such at the following Select Board meeting, as per the 2016 Mass. Acts. Chapter 218, ACT MODERNIZING MUNICIPAL FINANCE AND GOVERNMENT, or in the alternative to appoint Ms. Schmidt as the representative, whichever is the appropriate way under the new law. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.
Ms. Robbins to research actual language in new act to see if it is an individual or “a board member” that will be responsible for signing the warrants. To formulate motion that will comply with one member signing warrants or to appoint Ms. Schmidt to be that representative as required under the new law.
Section 52 of said chapter 41, as appearing in the 2014 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after the fourth sentence the following 2 sentences:- The board of selectmen may designate any 1 (emphasis added) of its members for the purpose of approving bills or payrolls under this section; provided, however, that the member shall make available to the board, at the first meeting following such action, a record of such actions.~ This provision shall not limit the responsibility of each member of the board of selectmen in the event of a noncompliance with this section.)

Motion 112916-8, Mr. Mandell, to adjourn. 2nd Ms. Schmidt. So voted. 8:15 pm.

Kelli A. Robbins, Esq.
Executive Secretary
Town of Holland
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA 01521
Phone 413-245-7108 EXT. 101
Fax 413-245-7037