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Select Board Minutes 06/21/2016
Tuesday June 21, 2016 - 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lawrence Mandell, Chair
Andrew Harhay, Member
Elias Gillen, Member
Kelli A. Robbins, Esq., Executive Secretary

Call to Order:

Mr. Mandell called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.

Approval of Minutes

Motion 062116-1 Mr. Mandel to waive the reading of the minutes of June 7th, and approve as written. 2nd Mr. Harhay. So voted Mr. Gillen abstention

Appointments to Address the Board:
Sharon Ashleigh, Town Clerk addressed the Select Board regarding the recount procedure.  Ms. Ashleigh began by explaining how the tie occurred.  The numbers available the night of the election are preliminary. The race for select board member resulted in 154 votes for Bettina Schmitdt and 152 votes for Andrew Harhay.   Those numbers include the ballots counted by machine, the ballots with right in’s but NOT the provisional ballots.  The Town clerk has 12 days to certify provisional ballots for a local election.  On the day following Ms. Ashleigh certified the provisional ballots.  Five provisional ballots were handed in, of the five only 2 were eligible for voting in the local election.  One of the ballots was not a registered voter and 2 ballots were for people who registered past the cutoff date for the June election.  The two remaining ballots were for people who could vote resulting in a tie of 154 for each candidate.  

Ms. Ashleigh received a request for a recount from Ms. Schmidt.  The recount will take place on June 29th at 6 pm if that works with town counsel, who must attend.  

Ms. Ashleigh requested that if a special election is necessary that it be piggybacked on the upcoming state election.

Mr. Mandell commented that there was nothing further for the Select Board to do until the results of the recount are known.

Mr. Gillen asked if the Caucus would be the 1st Thursday in August for a September 8th state primary?  
Mr. Harhay asked Ms. Ashleigh what the cost of the special election would run.  Ms. Ashleigh stated the cost is approximately $3,000.

Old Business

Mr. Mandell read the list of people up for reappointment asking that if either board member wanted to discuss any appointee to place them on hold when their name was read.  Mr. Mandell read the list.  Mr. Gillen placed a hold on Erin Carson for Recreation Committee.  

Motion 062116-2 – Mr. Mandell to appoint all read to the boards stated and the terms listed.  2nd Mr. Harhay. So voted.  Mr. Mandell abstained from his appointment to OPEB. (see attached list)

New Business
Kelli Robbins, as Chief Procurement Officer, opened and read the aloud the sealed bids. (see attached)

Motion 062116-3 Mr. Mandell to provisionally accept the bids as read. 2nd Mr. Harhay. So voted.

Application for a new manager for the Holland Rod and Gun Club was received by the Select Board. A change in manager does not need a public hearing. There were no objections by any of the Select Board members.
Motion 062116-4 – Mr. Mandell to sign application. 2nd Mr. Gillen.  So voted.  Board signed.

Senior Abatement program
Ms. Robbins reported on the updating of the Senior Abatement program. Ms. Robbins explained the following list is what she will be proposing for policies for the Select Board to adopt in relation to the program.

The Town of Holland will use the Federal Poverty Level Chart or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Poverty Level  Chart to determine eligibility for the program.
The Select Board, after discussion with the Board of Assessors, will annually determine the number of positions available for the program.
If an applicant's gross income falls outside the poverty guidelines but, has extra ordinary medical expenses that cause the senior  to fall within said guidelines, medical expenses may be considered.

Documents required with application:

□    Federal W4
□    State M4
□    I-9 Employment Verification with two forms of identification
□    OBRA Form
□    Social Security Disclosure
□    Employee Information
If applicable - Medical expenses as reported on income tax
  • Minimum age to participate  60
  • Own and occupy a residential property in the Holland in the immediate fiscal year preceding the fiscal year applying to volunteer services; if in a trust, senior must be trustee and have possession of property; Life Tenancy will be treated as fee simple ownership
  • Cannot be a compensated employee of the Town during the fiscal year for which the tax credit is sought
  • Able to perform the essential and major functions of the work you have volunteered your Services.
  • One abatement per property/residence

Legal activity update:


Mr. Gillen announced that the first scholarships from the George F. Gillen Memorial Scholarship were awarded.  There are two scholarships available, one to a tech student and one to an academic student.  The recipients were Amelia Ohop and Gene Munis for $1,000 each.
Tantasqua/Union 61 sent a request that the Select Board announce the track and field will be off limits and under repair.
Mr. Mandell and Mr. Harhay attended a meeting with the Highway Supervisor and State to discuss the Brimfield Road project.  It was determined that bifurcating the project will work best.  The Town is now waiting for language from the engineer to request permission to bifurcate the project.
Public Access
Christine Mccooe
1.      What is the boat ramp status?
2.      Cox update? Did anything ever come of the hearings in Boston and the town’s attempt to get better service?
3.      The LOC and Friends of the HRA are working on getting signs for the dam.  
Can the MEMA money be used for acquisition of these signs?

Mr. Mandell stated;
1.      The boat ramp is waiting for site review.
2.      The hearing venue did not have jurisdiction to interfere with the existing cable contract and that it is really a federal communications issue.  
3.      No, the MEMA grant was for specific items.

Motion 060716-5 Mr. Gillen, to adjourn. Mr. Harhay 2nd.  So voted.

Meeting closed 7:51 PM

Appointments for FY 17
Trails Committee        
Richard Haller                                          2017
Chris Haller~~                                          2017
Fred Beaulieu ~                                 2017
Stacy Riley ~                                           2017
Jackie Proko ~                                          2017

Recreation Committee
Erin Carson                                             2017    HOLD
Eric Iller                                              2017
Heather Blakely                                 2017
Jennifer Iller                                          2017

Zoning Board of Appeals
Donald Beal                                             2019

Cable Committee
Angie Casavant                                  2017
Judy Livernois                                  2017
Sue Sanders                                             2017
Jennifer Livernois                                      2017
Tyrus Boudreau                                  2017
Hunter Boudreau                                         2017
Ben Merriman                                    2017
Matt Dumas                                              2017
Council on Aging
Christine Haller                                        2018
Susan Sanders                                   2018
Linda Racine                                            2018

Lynn Arnold                                             2017
John Stevens                                            2017
Suzanne Wilber                                  2017
Bill Terbush                                                    2019
Select Board member

Conservation Commission
Marcia Beal                                             2019
Valerie Lundin                                  2019

Lawrence Mandell                                        2017

date received
Time received
Quote amount
item bid for
Richard Phifer Landscaping
10:41 AM
per hour
Roadside mowing
alamo mower  
5ft rotary on a 6420 Kpjm Deere Tractor with 21' reach
Ondrick Natural Earth
9:06 AM
per ton
cold patch
EZ Street - F.O.B. Chicopee
per ton
cold patch
eZ Street - delivered
Bond Construction
9:36 AM
per ton
crushed gravel
at plant
per ton
crushed gravel
per ton
bank run gravel
at plant
per ton
bank run gravel
per ton
Crushed washed stone
1 1/2'
at plant
per ton
Crushed washed stone
1 1/2"
per ton
Crushed washed stone
at plant
per ton
Crushed washed stone
per ton
Crushed washed stone
at plant
per ton
Crushed washed stone
per ton
Crushed washed stone
at plant
per ton
Crushed washed stone
per ton
cold patch
at plant
per ton
cold patch
Mountain Tree Service
9:52 AM
per hour
20" chipper
per hour
75' Bucket Truck
per hour
90' Track lift
per hour
per hour
per hour
log truck
Dielsel Direct
11:46 AM
all 3 grades gasoline
Fixed increment over JOC New Haven, CT branded low gasoline posting on date of delivery
low sulfer diesel fuel
fixed increment over the JOC Springfield, MA low for ULSD Prem
JOC posting effective 6/20/16 ULSD Prem 1.6495
All State Asphalt, Inc.
1:06 PM
per square yard
Chip Seal surface treatment
per square yard
10% rubberized Asphalt Chip Seal
per square yard
20% rubberized Asphalt Chip Seal
per square yard
reclaim, fine grad compact with calcium chloride
Palmer Paving Corporation
1:20 PM
per ton
460 asphalt bit conc in place 300 to 799 ton per ton
per ton
460 asphalt bit conc in place 800 ton + per ton
Northern Tree Service Inc.
1:34 PM
per hour
CBI 6800 Grinder
per hour
stump shear w/jd 270
per hour
log truck
per hour
chipper 12"
per hour
chipper 16"
per hour
chipper 20"
per hour
bucket truck 60'
per hour
bucket truck 65'
per hour
bucket truck 75'
per hour
lowbed & operator
per hour
per hour
5:30 PM
4 hour minimum for road work items
per hour
roadway pulverization/reclaimation (reclaimer w/operator)
per hour
roadway fine grading (grader w/operator)
per hour
gradall rubber tired excavator/grader w/operator)
per hour
snow & ice services - grader w/front & wing plows & operator
per hour
trucking - 10 wheeler w/driver
per hour
trucking tri-axle w/driver
per hour
1 - ton dump truck w/driver
bare equipment
per hour
a-300 bobcat loader
per hour
bomag 100 mph reclaimer
per hour
champion 720 or J.D. 673 grader
per hour
gradall rubber tired excavator/grader
per hour
volvo 160 excavator
per hour
J.D. 230 excavator
per hour
J.D. 410G excavator
per hour
Loader - 3.5 CY
per hour
TD - 15 dozer
per hour
hoe ram attachment
per hour
wood chipper
per hour
vibratory roller
Direct labor
per hour
per hour
equipment operator
per hour
per cubic yard
bank gravel
pick up
per cubic yard
bank gravel
per cubic yard
hardpack - processed gravel
pick up
per cubic yard
hardpack - processed gravel
per cubic yard
blasted rock 1/4 to 1
pick up
per cubic yard
blasted rock 1/4 to 1