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Select Board Minutes 06/07/2016
Tuesday June 7, 2016 - 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lawrence Mandell, Chair
Andrew Harhay, Member
Kelli A. Robbins, Esq., Executive Secretary
Absent: Elias Gillen, Member

Call to Order:

Mr. Mandell called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Approval of Minutes

Motion 060716-1-1 Mr. Mandel to waive the reading of the minutes of May 17th and approve as written. 2nd Mr. Harhay. So voted

Appointments to Address the Board:
Chief Bryan Haughey -  Chief Haughey addressed the Selectmen regarding an incident on Brandon Road the previous Wednesday. Outside law enforcement was in the area on a civil call.  An incident occurred during the civil call. Though the efforts and cooperation of all legal departments involved it was determined there was no actual threat.   

The Select Board received concerned phone calls that no “CodeRed” alert was sent out.  There was no actual threat to public safety.  The Selectmen thanked Chief Haughey and agreed that he acted appropriately.  Mr. Mandell stated that it is not the Select Board’s job to second guess the professional response of the trained police force acting in their professional capacity on an issue they are specifically trained to handle.

Old Business

Mr. Mandell asked Ms. Robbins to send a letter to Solitude letting them know they received the bid for lake care and treatment.

Mr. Mandell asked Ms. Robbins to put the topic of CodeRed usage on the agenda for the next department head meeting.

New Business
Motion 060716-2   Mr. Mandell to sign the SAAN loan in the amount of $36,440. 2nd Mr. Harhay. So voted.

Mr. Mandell state he would read aloud the names of people to be appointed.  Mr. Mandell asked that if there were any that there was to be discussion over to please place a hold on those names. Mr. Mandell read aloud the list of positions being appointed and their terms except his own name for OPEB and the members of the police department. Mr. Mandell could not be appointed to the OPEB Committee until there is a full Select Board present. (see attached)

Motion 060716-3  Mr. Mandell to accept all names and appointments not on hold. 2nd Mr. Harhay.  So voted.

Motion 060716-4  Mr. Mandell the accept the names as present by Chief Haughey. Mr. Harhay noted the names submitted by the Chief of Police were submitted as a courtesy because he is a strong chief. No motion necessary.

Legal activity update:

$75.00 bill received for review of the correspondence from Auditor and response letter in regard to any ongoing or foreseen litigation. (There is none) 

Signed warrants          FY16-50AP  $96,476.62
                          FY16-49 P    $85,121.53

The Moderator has appointed Joseph Yiznitsky to the Finance Board completing that board’s membership.

IT grant was approved by the State for an upgrade to the Holland town website. Mr. Mandell thanked Mr. Harhay for his work in applying for this grant for the town.
Hamilton Reservoir will be treated for milfoil on June 8th.  A CodeRed message was sent out earlier today to notify everyone to remain off the lake for the treatment and with temporary water use restrictions.

Mr. Mandell explained the ballot question that is coming up on the election ballot for June 13, 2016.  Mr. Mandell explained that a yes vote would create a better larger pool of interest to serve the town.

2nd Annual Carl Bean Softball Game Saturday June 18th, 2pm.
Fran Gallo received her Certificate of Achievement for successfully completing the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions Fundamentals for Conservation Commissioners course.  This is a 10-unit course that provides basic knowledge and practical tools essential to carry out many responsibilities of administering the Wetlands Protection Act and for open space planning and protection.  

Public Access

Motion 060716-5 Mr. Mandell, to adjourn. Mr. Harhay 2nd.  So voted.

Meeting closed 7:55 PM

Appointments for FY 17

All Boards Clerk                        Janine Drake                            2017
Executive Secretary                     Kelli A. Robbins                        2019
Fire Chief                              Paul Foster                             2017
Community Center Director       Paula Bak                               2017
Kitchen Manager                         Brenda Palmer                   2017
Plumbing Inspector                      George Wolstencroft             2017
Accountant                              Amy De La Roche                 2017
Memorial Day Committee          Dawn Cass-Evans                 2017
Outreach Worker                 Deborah Tierney                 2017
Police Chief                            Bryan Haughey                   2017
Veteran’s Agent                       S. Patrick Swain                        2017
Zoning Enforcement Officer      Rick Lundin                             2017
OPEB                                    Linda Blodgett                  2017
                                        Kelli A. Robbins                        2017
                                        Kristen LaPlante                        2017
                                        Eric Kinsherf                           2017
                                        Lawrence Mandell                        2017

Zoning Board of Appeals         John Stevens, Alternate         2017

Bylaw Committee                 Kelli A. Robbins                        07/01/17
PVPC                                    Lynn Arnold                             07/01/17

Police Department                       

Name                                    Rank                    Title                   Appointment
Stewart P. Swain                        Lieutenant              Full Time Officer       07/01/17
Raymond B. Morehouse            Lieutenant              Reserve Officer         07/01/17
Charles J. Reardon                      Patrolman               Reserve Officer         07/01/17
Jordan P. Manthorne             Patrolman               Reserve Officer         07/01/17
Paul A. Guerin Jr.                      Patrolman               Reserve Officer         07/01/17
Kenneth W. Lindsey              Patrolman               Reserve Officer         07/01/17
Anastasios Karamanakis          Patrolman               Reserve Officer         07/01/17
Edwin F. Ward                   Patrolman               Reserve Officer         07/01/17
Spiro P. Kelly                  Patrolman               Reserve Officer         07/01/17
Dennis P. Reardon                       Special                 Special Officer         07/01/17
Michelle E. Turner                      Special                 Special Officer         07/01/17
Ashley L. Jodoin                        Special                 Special Officer         07/01/17
Christopher Bouchard            Special         Special Officer         07/01/17

Gary A. Wilson                  Animal Control Officer                  07/01/17
Kimberly A. Desy                        Animal Control Officer                  07/01/17
Wendy Le Sage                   Animal Control Officer                  07/01/17