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Select Board Minutes 02/04/2016
Tuesday February 2, 2016 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lawrence Mandell, Chair
Elias Gillen, Member
Andrew Harhay, Member
Kelli Robbins, Executive Secretary

Mr. Mandell called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm

Motion 020216-1, Mr. Gillen to waive the reading of the minutes of January 5th and January 19th and approve as written. 2nd Mr. Harhay. So voted.

Old Business

Community Compact:
Mr. Harhay provided a copy of the Community Compact agreement he submitted on behalf of the Select Board, along with an email from the Governor’s Office informing applicants of a technological grant that is available. Mr. Harhay emphasized the short time period for applying for this grant money.  Mr. Harhay suggested that it could be used for upgrading financial software, outfitting the community room with an overhead projector as some examples.  Mr. Harhay will be sending out an email to encourage idea suggestions so that the town may apply for this funding.

Zoning Enforcement Officer:
Motion 020516-2 Mr. Mandell, to appoint Rick Lundin as Zoning Enforcement Officer, effective March 1, 2016 to the end of this fiscal year. 2nd Mr. Harhay. So voted.
Mr. Lundin provided his resignation from the Zoning Board of Appeals effective February 29, 2016.

New Business

Tabled the vote to allow snow and ice deficit spending to bring to Finance board’s tomorrow night meeting.  Select Board will vote then if there is a quorum or at the next meeting.  If there is an eminent storm a meeting can be called to approve the spending.

Signed Warrant for Presidential Primary


S.A.F.E grants received by the Fire Department in the amount of $3,337 and $2,417.00.

Signed warrants FY 16-32 $34,994.46, FY 16-31P $80,980.45

MEMA grant awarded to the town in the amount of $2,460.00 through the efforts of Mr. Mandell.

Motion 020216-3 Mr. Mandell to adjourn. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.

Meeting Adjourned 7:14 PM