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Select Board Minutes10/20/2015
Tuesday October 20, 2015 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lawrence Mandell, Chair
Elias Gillen, Member
Andrew Harhay, Member
Kelli Robbins, Executive Secretary

Mr. Mandell called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm

Motion 102015-1 - Mr. Mandell, waive the reading of the minutes, accepted as written for October 6, 2015. 2nd Mr. Harhay. Mr. Gillen abstained.

Old Business

Dave Thomas of Seaboard Solar – Mr. Thomas wanted to make sure that the Select Board received the correct contract. Ms. Robbins confirmed that the correct contract was received. Mr. Mandell asked when the credits would become available if the contract was signed. Mr. Thomas stated that it would be 90 days at the earliest. Mr. Thomas discussed other projects currently under construction.  Mr. Mandell explained that there are 2 other proposals from different companies that are also on the table and that the Select Board is seeking the best and final offer from Seaboard.   

Bylaw update

Kelli  Robbins, Bylaw Committee Chair – Update. The Committee met 2 weeks ago. The initial review of the general bylaws has been completed. The next step is to locate all the changes going back from present to 2003 and updating the bylaws where it is necessary to do so. Once that is accomplished the different section will be sent out to the appropriate departments for review with an eye to updating anything not in accord with current law and to remove anything that isn’t working.  The next meeting is set for this week on Thursday at 6pm.

Liaison list
Members of the Select Board are offering to act as liaison between the following and the Select Board to foster open communications and show support to others who work for the Town.
  • Larry Mandell;
  • Animal Control
  • Assessor’s
  • Building and Zoning
  • Fire Department
  • Police Department
  • Cable Commission
  • Planning Board
  • Zoning Board of Appeals
  • Elias Gillen;
  • Lake Oversight Committee
  • Board of Health
  • Schools
  • Recreation
  • Library
  • Highway Department
  • Cemetery Management
  • Andrew Harhay:
  • Community Center
  • Council on Aging
  • Out Reach Worker
  • Finance
  • Conservation Commission
  • Cultural Counsel
  • Trails Committee
Mr. Mandell explained that the choices were based on the experience of each Select Board member. Ms. Robbins to email list to all involved and reach to anyone who may not be on the list that would like to be included.
Motion 102015-2 Mr. Mandell to approve liaison list. 2nd Mr. Gillen. All in favor.
Mandell announced an additional working Select Board meeting on a regular basis. The meeting would be on at which the Board would be able to get into deep discussion and the “nitty gritty” tactical reasons for decisions.  Mr. Gillen and Mr. Harhay agreed that this is necessary. The meetings will be open to the public, not televised and not have a public access component.  The Board will hold its first working meeting Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 2:30 with the following tentative agenda –
  • Capital Planning Committee
  • Bylaws
  • 30+ unanticipated new growth
  • Net metering
  • Fishing tournament policy
Capital Planning  

This actually is a partial standing committee, partial rotating/appointed committee – see copy of bylaws for make-up of the committee  

MEMA Grant –Mr. Mandell worked with Bruce Augusti, the Highway Surveyor and Police Chief to apply for a MEMA grant for safety equipment such as batteries, traffic barriers/cones.

New Business

Fishing Tournament applications.  Tabled until next meeting.

Signed Chapter 90 Reimbursement requests in the amounts of 36,756.81 for Stafford Road repairs and $35,880.00 for Barney Road repair.
Mr. Mandell stated that the Select Board would like to move forward with capital planning and the Board as it is currently defined.  Ms. Robbins to contact the named members and post the 2 citizen positions on the Town website.

Legal Announcements   
  • Defense of Litigation  Dana Manning v Sharon Ashleigh et als., dealing with voluntary dismissal $142.50
  • Planning Board request for review of recent case law pertaining to permitting $551.50
  • Library is hosting pumpkin painting/decorating this Saturday from 2-4.
  • Halloween –Trunk or Treat is being held on October 31, 2015
  • Drawdown is in progress.
  • All docks must be off the lake, no later than October 31, 2015, and remain off the lake until April 2016.
  • The Tantasqua School Committee is down one member as the recently elected Elda Dwyer resigned.
  • The title search for the lots located on Shore Drive has not yet been completed.
Public Access

Rick Lundin of Shore Drive handed the Select Board photos of his property pin from multiple angles.  Mr. Lundin stated he would be installing a corner boulder that will go about 4 feet into the road and 4 feet into the boat launch based on where his property line pin is located.  Mr. Lundin also stated that he moved the “No Parking” sign.

Mr. Mandell motion to adjourn, seconded Mr. Gillen. All in favor. So voted at 8:05 pm.

Executive Session scheduled for this meeting did not take place.