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Select Board Minutes 10/28/2015
Tuesday October 28, 2015 2:30 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lawrence Mandell, Chair
Elias Gillen, Member
Andrew Harhay, Member
Kelli Robbins, Executive Secretary

Mr. Mandell called the meeting to order at 2:30 pm

Motion 102815-1 - Mr. Mandell, waive the reading of the minutes, accepted as written for October 20, 2015. 2nd Mr. Gillen. All in favor.

  • Excess New Growth
Linda Blodgett, Treasurer and Steve Anderstrom attending;       
Discussion of potential excess new growth.  The concern is, if the money not anticipated in the budgeting process but certified as new growth, is not allocated the result will shorten the levy base for years going forward. Ms. Blodgett explained that the difference in what was budgeted for and what was approved is not an actual number until the local estimated receipts have been completed.  If there is more than anticipated the amount will not be lost but can be placed in overlay or used to offset local receipts.  It is premature to be concerned at this time.
  • Capital Planning Committee
Distributed Committee structure currently identified in the General Bylaws and a draft for a revised Bylaw based on what was recommended by the DOR.
The long-term planning for the purchase of Town vehicles has already been identified and provided the basis for the Town’s Capital Purchases Stabilization Fund.
Work has been done by Highway and the Finance Board in drafting a multiyear Roadway Improvement, but it needs more study prior to implementation.  Chapter 90 money should be included in this plan.  This inclusion would need the caveat that the needs of the highway department and road care are subject to change without notice.
It was agreed to have discussions with personnel that might be involved on a planning committee and have a revised Bylaw presented at the ATM.
Bylaw Committee - The bylaw committee is very limited in scope as formulated under the general bylaws.  Ms. Robbins stated that the Select Board has the option to submit a bylaw change or create another committee with the responsibilities you would like to see.
  • Kelli leaves at 3:03 PM and Andy becomes Acting Secretary
It was agreed that the Town needs a policy handbook/manual that would incorporate the standard policies required of all towns, as well as those developed for issues very specific to Holland… it has been very difficult to track down ‘policies’ only identified in meeting minutes.
Do we need a ‘policy committee’ or could this work be incorporated into the Bylaw Committee responsibilities?
Mr. Harhay accepted an Action Tracking item to search the web for the basic content of the policy manuals developed by some other Massachusetts towns.
Net Metering Credits
Mr. Harhay distributed a sheet that showed key data on the two net metering credits proposals from Seaboard Solar and a verbal offering from Nexamp.
Based on a usage of 90,077 kWhs, Seaboard Solar provided two options:
(1) Option 1 was a 22% discount on the National Grid G-1 rate together with a Signing Bonus of $5,675; the 22% discount is estimated by Seaboard Solar to save Holland $3,369 annually over the mandatory 20 life of the contract.
(2) Option 2 was a 25% discount on the National Grid G-1 rate with no Signing Bonus; the 25% discount is estimated by Seaboard Solar to save Holland $3, 828 annually over the mandatory 20 life of the contract.
Mr. Harhay estimated that both options essentially involved the same savings over a 20 year timeframe and it is primarily a matter of whether we want some of the savings in the form of the bonus or to have it spread evenly over the 20 years.
Nexamp had earlier provided the Select Board with a written proposal for Net Metering Credits at a 25% discount, based on a town expending ~ $160,000 for electricity. When Mr. Harhay informed Nexamp that Holland’s annual expenditure for electricity was only ~ $35,000, they withdrew that offer because we couldn’t meet their minimum usage requirement. Nexamp offered the alternative of joining their Community Solar initiative; although the credits would drop to 15% ($2,297 annual savings), the contract could be canceled with a 6 month notice and the usage could be adjusted up or down if needs changed. The Nexamp Community Solar program would also be made available to Town residents who elected to participate.
In comparing the basic features of the Seaboard Solar and Nexamp proposals, committing to a 20 year duration contract to save ~ $1,500 annually was not considered by the members to be advisable, as it would negate the ability and flexibility for the Town to take advantage of potentially more attractive offers over that 20 year period. Mr. Mandell made a motion that Holland eliminate the 20 year duration proposals from current consideration; Mr. Harhay 2nd and all approved.
Policy for Fishing Tournaments
Mr. Mandell made the motion to approve the applications for two tournaments, for June 23, 2016 and August 25, 2016 for the North Basin; Mr. Gillen 2nd and all approved.
(Background: At a previous Select Board meeting, a resident on the South Basin had a concern about the early start of some of the tournaments on that Basin. With the South Basin boat launch being in a totally residential area with no parking, some tournament participants have arrived as early as 4 am to launch boats, disrupting nearby residents.)
The concern about the starting time of tournaments was again briefly discussed by the Select Board members at this meeting. Mr. Mandell made a motion that future tournaments on the South Basin have a launch time of 6 am or later. Mr. Harhay 2nd and all approved.
Community Compact Grant Opportunities
Mr. Mandell proposed that Holland apply for involvement in the Baker-Polito administration’s Community Compact Program. Lt. Governor Polito discussed this initiative at the October 3, 2015 Massachusetts Selectmen’s Association Conference in Wrentham. The program provides technical support to communities that agree to implement certain ‘Best Practice’ in their town. Mr. Mandell heard a presentation on financial trend monitoring done in Northborough and thought that development of that type of a monitoring program for Holland might qualify for support. The members agreed to review the Community Compact information on the website and discuss our involvement at a future meeting.
The Chair made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:10 PM. Mr. Harhay 2nd; all in favor.