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Select Board Minutes 08/04/2015
Tuesday August 4, 2015 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lawrence Mandell, Chair
Elias Gillen, Member
Kelli Robbins, Executive Secretary

Mr. Mandell called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm

Motion 080415-1 - Mr. Mandell, waive the reading of the minutes, accepted as written for July 21,2015. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.

Old Business    

Mr. Mandell explained that the appointment of Mr. Robert Dymon was done incorrectly. Now that the proper time has passed the appointment is being redone.
Motion 080415-2 – Mr. Mandell, to appoint Robert Dymon as Board of Health member. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.

New Business

Mr. Mandell read out the names and positions to be appointed as follows:

Recreation Committee    1 year
Jeniffer Iller
Erin Carson
Heather Blakely
Erik Iller
Planning Board – until the next annual election
Cynthia Poirier

Motion 080415-3 – Mr. Gillen to appoint the following as read to the following boards. 2nd Mr. Mandell. So voted.

Mr. Mandell explained he had spoked with the gentleman interested in the position on Conservation Commission that the Select Board had been asked to appoint.  That person is no longer interested.

Mr. Gillen spoke on the value of having senior housing within the community.  Mr. Gillen went to the Planning Board to speak with the board to discuss elderly housing. Mr. Gillen found out that elderly housing will be on the master plan going forward.  Mr. Gillen feels it is time to create an advisory board for reviewing elderly housing possibilities within the township.  Mr. Gillen explained how he would like the board to be configured.  Mr. Mandell stated that he liked the way the committee was laid out.

Mr. Harhay asked to be allowed to ask a question.  Mr. Mandell allowed the interruption. Mr. Harhay asked if there should be a finance board member on the committee.  Mr. Gillen explained that he had thought about having one but in light of the fact that if anything is recommended and sought, the Finance Board would be involved at that time.

Motion 080415-4 Mr. Mandell, to create a Senior Housing Advisory Committee (SHAC) as laid out by MR. Gillen, consisting of seven (7) members as follows: 1 year terms
  • Select Board
  • Conservation
  • Planning Board
  • Council on Aging
  • Outreach Worker
  • 2 adhoc members
2nd Mr. Mandell. So Voted
Mr. Mandell explained the posting policy for open/vacant positions on boards and committees within the town.  There is currently a posting policy for vacancies that states the following:      
Boards/committees must post the vacancy for one month, and the vacancy
must be posted on the cable, on the town web site [sic], on the Clerks boards
and the outside kiosk. Interested individuals must submit letters of interest to
the appropriate board.
Mr. Mandell explained that because of the unyielding nature of the existing policy a board in need of a quorum may not be able to conduct business if the posting is late or as in the case at hand with the Board of Health, was inadvertently omitted. Causing the then Board of Health to be nonfunctional.  This amendment will strike a balance.

Motion 080415-5 Mr. Mandell, to amend the policy by striking the following and inserting the bold as follows:
                Boards/Committees must should make every effort to post the vacancy for one
Month. The vacancy must should be posted on the cable, on the town website,
the Clerk’s board and the outside kiosk. Interested individuals must submit letters
of interest to the appropriate board.
This policy may be waived to enable a board to function.

Brush Dump Safety  
Mr. Mandell discussed that because the Board of Health is nonfunctioning, Ray Korny, the brush dump supervisor approached the Select Board to address the growing piles that need work and organization. As such, the Select Board and the Executive Secretary have been coordinating with the Highway Department to get the work done. Mr. Gillen reiterated this is generally handled by the Board of Health and the only reason Mr. Korny approached the Select Board was because it was a safety concern.

Wales Pound

Currently the town of Holland shelters their strays at the Wales pound.  The Select Board received an email from the Animal Control Officer, Wendy LeSage, with concerns about the shelter’s inadequacies. The pound is not secure and not safe. She is concerned with it being a liability to the towns involved.
Mr. Mandell explained about a community grant partnering with other towns that was sought in the past to provide adequate animal housing, communications device, possibly a vehicle for animal control use but the funds ran out.  Mr. Mandell stated that he would look into this grant again.  Mr. Mandell stated that perhaps in the interim we could partner with another town for housing the animals when needed.

Senior Work Off program

Mr. Mandell explained that at the last town meeting the town voted to increase the dollar amount a senior can earn in credit toward their property taxes per fiscal year to $1000.00 through the Senior Tax Abatement Program. At the current rate of $8 they must work125 hours to get the full amount. The Board would like to raise the amount to $9. At this rate the seniors will need to work 111 hours. Mr. Mandell stated that if it serves the community to raise the pay scale he has no problem with doing so. Mr. Harhay asked permission to make a statement. Mr. Mandell granted permission. Andrew Harhay commented that $9.00 would be the state minimum wage in January.

Motion 080415-6 – Mr. Gillen, to raise the pay scale for seniors in the Senior Tax Abatement Program from $8.00 per hour to $9.00 per hour for fiscal 16.
  • Special Election to be held at the Community Center Monday August 10, 2015 from 10am to 8pm
Application time for Town Accountant has closed. Once the list is whittled down to 3 or 4 candidates, the interview process will begin.
  • 2nd Annual Zucchini Festival is this Sunday August 9th at the Community Center from 12 to 4pm
  • Seaboard Solar – contract sent to town counsel for review. Mr. Mandell asked Kelli to check if there are any other approved facility in the state.  Mr. Gillen asked if the contract with Seaboard would be an exclusive contract. Mr. Mandell believes it is as the only risk stated is that some company may offer a lower rate once we are locked in.
Appointments  - none

Ms. Robbins left the room to call National Grid as no one from National Grid has shown up for the hearing.
Public Access   

Ann Hall –
Ms. Hall stated she is upset by the speeding in town by her house.  She stated that the posted speed limit used to be 25 mph and is now at 35 mph and that she does not like it. Mr. Mandell stated he would check with Chief Bryan Haughey about the issue.

Ms. Hall asked if we (Select Board) is aware of a natural gas line through town.  The Board responded that they would check.

Ms. Robbins returned stating there was no answer to her call.

Mr. Mandell stated there was supposed to be a Pole Hearing Scheduled for 7:30 pm for National Grid. They did not show up for the hearing so National Grid will need to reschedule.

Mr. Mandell motion to adjourn, seconded Mr. Gillen. So voted at 7:37 pm.
Next meeting to be August 18, 2015.

Kelli A. Robbins
Executive Secretary
Town of Holland
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA 01521
Phone 413-245-7108 EXT. 101
Fax 413-245-7037