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Select Board Minutes 07/01/2015
Wednesday July 1, 2015 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lawrence Mandell, Chair
Elias Gillen, Member
Kelli Robbins, Executive Secretary

Mr. Mandell called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm

Motion 070115-1 Mr. Gillen, to waive reading of the minutes of June 10, 2015 and accept as written. Mr. Mandell 2nd. So Voted.

Old Business
  • Cox Communication Pubic Hearing before the Telecommunication Board – Mr. Mandell, Mr. Gillen and Angie Cassavant attended the hearing.  Mr. Mandell stated that he was hoping this hearing would be an opportunity to get some leverage to get the Boston channel back for the residents.  Mr. Mandell then discontinued the discussion because there was technical difficulty with the sound equipment. He stated that this was important information and wanted to ensure that the audience at home could hear the information.
  • ITT46 – The company Carahsoft sought the signature of the Select Board to investigate switching the Town’s telephone service, currently with Verizon to the state contract, also with Verizon. The understanding wat that there would be no cost to the Town for researching this information. Carahsoft has since provided a quote on what it would cost. There was no breakdown of current cost vs. savings, nor was there any breakdown of changes or cost structure. Being such an incomplete provision of information, Mr. Mandell would like to set up a meeting with Carahsoft so that they can give a presentation answer questions before any decision will be made.
Motion 070115-2 – Mr. Mandell, to request a representative from Carahsoft give a presentation before the Select Board prior to making a decision. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.
  • Building supervision – tabled until next meeting scheduled for Tuesday July 7, 2015.
Motion 070115-3 – Mr. Gillen, to invite the Board of Health members to attend the next meeting to discuss the issue.

New Business
  • Appointed to the following boards, commissions and departments are:
Plumbing Inspector – George Wolstencroft 1 year term
Police department – all one year terms                

Stewart P. Swain
Full Time Officer
Raymond B. Morehouse
Reserve Officer
Charles J. Reardon
Reserve Officer
Jordan P. Manthorne
Reserve Officer
Paul A. Guerin Jr.
Reserve Officer
Kenneth W. Lindsey
Reserve Officer
Anastasios Karamanakis
Reserve Officer
Dennis P. Reardon
Special Officer
Angel L. Ramos
Special Officer

Council on Aging-each 2 year terms
Lowell Noxon
Cynthia Harris
John Reed
Tina Rootes-Hunter

OPEB each 1 year term
Kristin La Plante
Kelli Robbins

Pole Workers each 1 year term
Patricia Caron
Sarto Caron
Mary Veber
Cindi Harris
Judy Livernois
Erin Carson
Steven Anderstrom
Donna Allard
Lynn Denis
Kelli Robbins

Holland Trails Committee 1  year term
Richard Haller
Christine Haller
Fred Beaulieu
Stacy Riley
Jacki Proko

Cultural Council each 1 year term
Carol Fuller
Charlotte Lundgren
Nancy Peloquin
Holly Gillen
Denise Hare-Cote

Lake Oversight Committee volunteers for boards

Eli Gillen – Select Board
Dennis Allard – Planning Board
Christine McCooe– Conservation

2.      Patrick Swain – Veteran’s Services agent- Mr. Swain thanked the Select Board for hiring him as the Veteran’s Agent. He is honored to be able to serve the Town in this capacity.  Mr. Swain stated that helping veterans is his passion. VA pays out benefits to the veterans of which the town is reimbursed at 75%.  Types of benefits are medical co-pays, reimbursement to the vets for their social security benefits paid out their retirement, medical expenses, car repairs, dental clinics, and other benefits. The Veteran’s Agent is also the burial agent for the vets in some Cities and Towns and can assist with Federal benefits.
Deborah Tierney volunteered to share her office with Mr. Swain so that he would have a private place to meet with the clients.  Mr. Swain stated he would like his hours to be the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month from 1-3 pm and by appointment. Ms. Robbins found a secure file cabinet for the records to be kept in and will post Mr. Swain’s contact information and availability on the town website.
Motion 070115-4 – Mr. Mandell to accept Mr. Swain’s proposed location and hours of operation. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.
3.      Chief Haughey pointed out that the new officers hired were not on the list of people appointed to the police department.
Motion 070115-5 – Mr. Mandell, to go back to the appointments and appoint the new officers. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.
        Chief Haughey went into detail as to the qualifications of the new officers hired. (see attached letters of recommendation)
Motion 070115-6 – Mr. Mandell, to appoint as Special Police Officers for one year terms, Spiro P. Kelly and Paul J. Mayo and to appoint as Reserve Police Officers for one year terms, Edwin Ward and Jeffrey M. Gigliotti. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted. 

  • 4th of July falls on Friday. A day which most of the town employees have off.  The Town offices will be closed and employees who are entitled to the day off will be observed on Monday, July 6th.  
  • Kudos to the library.

Mr. Michael Kennedy was invited to the meeting to explain the reasons why it is better for the town if it is not a Red Cross approved shelter. Mr. Kennedy stated that the Community Center is not certified because it is a wood structure. The Community Center is a transitional center because we are part of a regional shelter. If the town were to become a shelter for the Red Cross, the Town would be obligated to take in anyone who arrives or who could be transported to the shelter. This would be a drain on local resources. The school gym is certified but has no auxiliary power.
Mr. Kennedy explained some of what the Emergency Management Director is responsible for, such as fielding calls from MEMA at least 3 times a day when there is no emergency.  The Director receives alerts from MEMA. He then contacts the Police or Fire department depending on the nature of the emergency. They will then sit down and evaluate the situation and the Town’s needs.  From there a reverse 911 alert may be sent, an emergency declared ect. Mr. Kennedy would then alert MEMA.  Once MEMA is notified and things are put in motion the Select Board must meet and vote afterwards.  Mr. Mandell asked what changes once MEMA is notified? Mr. Kennedy stated that MEME then organizes for the needs of the Town.  Also once MEMA is notified the Town should get priority with the electric company, etc.
Mr. Kennedy stated that he would not be able to accept the appointment as Emergency Management Director because he could not afford to be personally liable for decisions made in his official capacity. Mr. Kennedy explained that because of the litigious environment currently with the town and that the Town’s liability insurance does not cover town officials acting in their official capacity he would not risk accepting the appointment.
Mr. Kennedy then stated he has never worked with such dedicated Highway, Police and Fire Departments and the town is “God awful lucky to have these people working for them.”
Mr. Mandell asked Mr. Kennedy if we could find a way to protect him as Director would he consider accepting? Mr. Kennedy affirmed.
Motion 070115-7 – Mr. Mandell, to attempt to get a special rider to cover Emergency Management Director position.
Motion 070115-8 – Mr. Gillen to amend to look into more comprehensive coverage for appointed persons. 2nd Mr. Mandell on amendment. Amendment so voted.
Motion 070115-9 – Mr. Mandell, to vote as amended “for the Select Board to look into getting more comprehensive coverage for appointed officials”. 2nd Mr. Gillen. So voted.
Mr. John Jacobi asked to be on the agenda to discuss use of Chaffee Road. Mr. Jacobi expressed his frustration with the wear and tear on the road by trucks and other vehicles that use a right of way on property with frontage on Chaffee Road. Mr. Jacobi presented a petition signed by himself and his neighbors on Chaffee Road asking the Select Board to take whatever steps necessary to stop the usage of that right of way. Mr. Gillen explained that even though the road is a private road it qualifies as a public way under Chapter 90 of the General Laws. Because of that qualification under the general laws, the public cannot be prevented from using the road. Mr. Jacobi also wanted the Select Board to stop the access spot on Chaffee Road from being used as a driveway.  

According to the recorded survey on file at the registry of deeds and the deeds to the owners of the land in question, a right access was retained by the previous owner. As such, the Board has no authority to stop a land seller from using a right they reserved during a property sale.

Mr. Mandell, after being assured the microphone was working, returned to the Cox Cable hearing information. Mr. Mandell stated that he thought the hearing would afford the Town a great opportunity to use the hearing as leverage to attempt to get the Boston station back. Cox Cable is seeking a rate increase. A petition to intervene was filed and allowed in a timely manner. The Select Board and Angie Cassavant attended the hearing. Mr. Mandell explained at the hearing that although we are physically located in Hampden County which would make us part of Springfield’s area of coverage, Holland is in fact, oriented toward Boston. Mr. Mandell explained that the current contract with Cox is less than a year old, Cox has taken away a primary station to the detriment of Holland and then sought a rate increase. Mr. Gillen noted that the Hearing commission asked why Cox was asking for an increase when their paperwork showed it was less expensive to provide the service.  Mr. Mandell stated they all came away feeling encouraged and like they were heard.

Public Access

        Mr. David Kowalski expressed concern about the state of the Board of Health.

  • Motion 070115-10 – Mr. Mandell to adjourn, seconded Mr. Gillen. So voted at 8:16 pm.
Next meeting to be July 7, 2015.