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Select Board Minutes 06/02/2015
Tuesday June 2, 2015 7 pm
Holland Town Hall
27 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

Present: Lynn Arnold, Chair
Larry Mandell, Member
Kelli Robbins, Executive Secretary

Ms. Arnold called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm

Motion 060215-1 Mr. Mandell, to waive reading of the minutes of May 19, 2015 and accept as written. 2nd Ms. Arnold. Voted to accept as written.

Old Business    

  • Brimfield Ambulance Contract (BAS). Ms. Arnold explained the terms of the new contract with BAS. The contract is now complete. If asked the terms are as follows:
TERM OF CONTRACT.       The term of the agreement shall commence on July 1, 2015 an 12:00 am and will expire at 11:59 pm June 30, 2016 (the “Term”) subject to the following:
  • Can be renewed by the Town for one year intervals.
  • There will be 2 EMTs available 24/7/365 and an ambulance available for 911 calls.
  • The Town is not responsible for any costs incurred nor are they required to attempt collection of fees from persons in need of the ambulance.
  • This an independent contractor relationship, not an employee/employer relationship.
  • The cost for this service will be 5,692.73 per month for a total of $68,312.76 for the upcoming fiscal year.
Motion to 060215-2 Mr. Mandell, to sign and return to BAS for their signatures. 2nd Ms. Arnold. So voted.

  • Cox update - Copies of the Cox contract have been mailed to the State Rep. and Senator.
Cox sent the Town notice that Cox has filed a petition for a public hearing:

The Department of Telecommunications and Cable (“Department”) will hold a public and evidentiary hearing, pursuant to G. L. c. 166A, § 15 and 207 C.M.R. § 6.03, to investigate the basic service tier programming, equipment, and installation rates proposed by CoxCom, Inc. d/b/a Cox Communications (“Cox”) for Holland, MA, in response to its filings.
Cox wants to change the rates, channels and equipment. A hearing is scheduled for June 24, 2015.  
Mr. Mandell is hoping the request to intervene in the hearing will give the Town some leverage in terms of negotiating in Boston.  

Motion 060215-3 Mr. Mandell, to have Ms. Robbins write a petition of intervention to allow the Town to speak at the hearing. 2nd Ms. Arnold. So voted.

  • Hearing no objections by Conservation Commission,
Motion 060215-4 Ms. Arnold to appoint Valerie Lundin to the Conservation Commission for a 1 year term ending June 30, 2016. 2nd Mr. Mandell. So voted.

  • Ms. Arnold explained that the former veteran’s agent resigned effective May 31, 2015. The position was posted on the Town website. There was only one applicant, Stewart Patrick Swain of Warren. Mr. Mandell explained that Mr. Swain meets all the state requirements and is an excellent choice because of his background and experience. The Town is fortunate to have him apply.
Motion 060215-5 Mr. Mandell, to appoint Mr. Swain as the new Veteran’s Services Agent for a one year term ending June 30, 2015. 2nd Ms. Arnold. So voted.

New Business
  • Ms. Arnold stated that petitions for the recall of Dana Manning and Kenneth Ference, both of the Board of Health, were filed with the Town Clerk’s office. The signatures thereon have been certified by the Registrars and by the Town Clerk. Neither party has resigned.
MOTION 060215-6  Ms. Arnold, to add the recall vote and election to the upcoming Special election to be held on Monday, August 10, 2015 at the Community Center. 2nd Mr. Mandell. So voted.
  • Ms. Arnold stated that the Board of Selectmen received a letter regarding some chairs for the Community Center. Mr. Mandell stated he had read the letter. Ms. Arnold said she would speak with the Community Center Director, Paula Bak in regard to the letter.

  • Town Clerk, Sharon Ashleigh made a brief statement regarding a recent census response mailing. The intent was to send the letters only to those who had not responded to the census sent earlier in the year. Due to a computer glitch, the letters were sent to everyone.  Ms. Ashleigh apologized for any inconvenience and stated that those who had responded to the original mailing could disregard the new letter.
  • Ms. Arnold thanked Dawn Cass-Evans for her wonderful work regarding the Memorial Day events. Ms. Arnold stated that Ms. Cass-Evans has worked tirelessly on behalf of the Town.
  • Ms. Arnold also thanked the Tantasqua Senior High Marching Band for coming to Holland and for the great job they did on Memorial Day.
  • Annual election June 8, 2015 at the Community Center
  • Special election Caucus Tuesday, June 16, 2015, 8 pm HES
  • Special election candidate night – Friday July 24, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the Community Center
  • Special election Monday August 10, 2015 at the Community Center
  • Mr. Mandell stated that he campaigned on the platform of streamlining the permit process. He has become aware through the Government Town Forum that meeting nights being together for the convenience of those the Town serves is very important to the residents.  Mr. Mandell stated that the agenda for the next Select Board meeting would address ways to achieve that goal.
  • Ms. Arnold discussed the value of the Lake Oversight Committee.  Ms. Arnold will place discussion of reinstituting that committee on the agenda for the next meeting.  Ms. Arnold asked that if anyone was interested in that committee to please notify Kelli Robbins at the Town Hall.
Appointments to speak with Select Board –
  • Christine McCooe – Ms. McCooe stated that originally the plan for oversight of the lake was to be between the Town and Hamilton Reservoir Association (HRA).  Ms. Arnold stated that the Board of Health is responsible for water testing for E.coli only.  Aquatic Control Technologies (ACT) tests for sediment loading and turbidity and an extensive list of other factors.  
Ms. McCooe stated that the water quality testing done was done back in 2012 but was not done in 2014.  ACT does not apply for the Connecticut application for weed treatment soon enough to treat the weeds at the necessary growth stage for the treatment to be effective.

  • Rick Lundin came before the Select Board with a copy of his survey showing a fence for the South Lake Ramp located partially on his property.  There is some question as to who is responsible for the fence. Mr. Lundin would like the fence moved. Mr. Lundin stated he would be willing to work with the Town to get the fence moved off of his property.
Ms. Arnold explained the fence was supposed to be fully on the property Mr. Lundin purchased to appease the previous owner who did not want people crossing his land using the ramp.
Ms. Arnold said if the fence is moved the ramp will lose 2 feet in width. The ramp is already too small.
Mr. Mandell and Ms. Arnold would speak with the Highway Surveyor to see what can be done and when.
Public Access   -
  • Christine McCooe – Ms. McCooe stated that the HRA has taken on a large portion of the financial burden for proper care of the lake and treatment.  She stated that there are 421 lake houses,  over 4.7 million in residential property tax collected, of which a large portion is from lake residents.  She feels that the Town should spend more on lake maintenance in light of that.  Ms. McCooe asked if the Town could look at putting aside more money for lake maintenance.
  • Eric Champagne – Mr. Champagne is interested in purchasing a town owned property that abuts his own property. Mr. Champagne stated that he has other neighbors who would also be interested in purchasing Town owned land.   Mr. Mandell asked to have the Assessors attend the meeting to get information on the title of land and the process to get the land declared owner unknown if necessary.  Mr. Mandell said he would follow up on this.
Next meeting to be June 10, 2015.

Mr. Mandell motion to adjourn, seconded Ms. Arnold. So voted at 753 pm.