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Board of Selectmen Minutes 07/15/2014
JULY 15, 2014

Present: Lynn Arnold, Michael Kennedy, Larry Mandell
Arnold called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM





Bid Opening – Highway – Various Road Materials, Hired Services/Equipment and Fuels.  
Bidders included:
Fiefer: Services and equipment
Kabinski: Materials, services, equipment
FL Roberts: Fuels
DB Tree: Tree trimming and removal
Pioppi: Equipment, services, materials
Bond: Materials
Mountain Tree Service: Tree trimming and removal
Palmer Paving: Materials, services, equipment
All States: Materials, services, equipment

All bids opened, accepted and turned over to the Highway Surveyor.  Bids can be reviewed following the meeting or reviewed at the highway department.


Clarification of Ethics Law

Arnold read an email from the State Ethics Commission, to clarify if Select Board members could serve on additional boards.  Ethics stated towns under 2,500 in population were considered special employees and under those circumstances Select Board members could serve on other boards.  

Remote Participation

MOTION 07152014-1: To allow remote participation by any board as long as they follow the open meeting law guidelines.  Any board that chooses not to participate can opt out by voting in an open meeting.  Motion made by Arnold, seconded by Mandell.
Arnold stated in November 5, 2013 Board of Selectmen meeting it was voted to allow remote participation for boards and committees as allowed by the State.  The way the motion read, it was unclear if boards had to make a decision to use remote participation or had to opt out.  Arnold wanted to make the motion more clear.  
VOTE: ALL in favor

MOTION 07152014-2: To opt out of remote participation for the Board of Selectmen.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell
Kennedy stated it is difficult to participate remotely since you cannot physically see documents.  Mandell stated he believed if someone wanted to participate but was not able to make it, they should be allowed to participate remotely.
VOTE: YES: One, NO: Two  Motion defeated



-Veterans Agent
MOTION 07152014-3: To appoint Mark Avis as the Veterans Agent for a term expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell
Discussion: Mark is a certified Veterans representative, who also works with other towns and comes highly recommended.
VOTE: ALL in favor

-Council on Aging
MOTION 07152014-4: To appoint Cynthia Harris as the Alternate to the Council on Aging for a term expiring June 30, 2016.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded Mandell.
Discussion: None
VOTE: ALL in favor

MOTION 07152014-5: To appoint Kristin LaPlante to OPEB for a term expiring June 30, 2015. Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell
Discussion: Krisitn LaPlante had submitted a letter of interest to the Board of Selectmen.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Town Counsel
MOTION 07152014-6: To appoint Bacon Wilson as Town Counsel for the town for a one year term, expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
Discussion: The town counsel appointment should be done on a yearly basis.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Procurement Officer
MOTION 07152014-7: To appoint Larry Mandell as the Procurement Officer for the town for a one year term, expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Arnold.
Discussion: None
Vote: Two: YES, Mandell abstained

End of Year Transfers

MOTION 07152014-8: To approve the end of year transfers as proposed by the Town Accountant, per MGL c.44, sec 33B.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell
Discussion: The transfers are a “best guess” by the accountant since he was away and all the bills had not come in yet.  Whether the money is transferred to the various accounts, or not, whatever money is not used to pay FY14 bills will revert to the General Fund for FY15.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Driveway Permit

MOTION 07152014-9: To sign the Driveway permit submitted to the Board by the Highway Surveyor.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
Discussion: Driveway permit is for landowner Kevin Tighe on 95 Wales Road.  Highway Surveyor has already signed off on the project and the fee has been paid and submitted to the Treasurer.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Vacancy Policy

Arnold stated there has been confusion and questions have been raised about how post a vacancy to a board, both appointed or and an elected vacated seat.  Typically postings are put on the cable channel, the outside kiosk, the Clerks Board and web site.  There should be some type of policy on how long the position is posted, etc.  Suggestions included posting for one month and submitting a letter of interest to the appropriate board or committee.  This would only apply to Select Board appointments.  Arnold will prepare policy and present at the next meeting.  

Town Hall Closing Policy

MOTION 07152014-10: To create a policy for the closing of the Town Hall on a non-emergency basis, i.e. Holidays.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
Discussion: Concerns were raised about the last time the Town Hall closed and that it was not posted appropriately.  Arnold wanted to discuss where should the posting be? How much time should be given?  Kennedy felt announcing the closing at the Select Board meeting would be ideal.   Arnold felt the postings should be on the cable channel, on the door of the town hall and on the website.
VOTE: ALL in favor


Tri town meeting in Brimfield August 25, 2014 8:00 PM

Cox Hearing in Boston August 12, 2014 at 10:00 AM


Warrants in the amounts of $28,745.09– Payroll and no figure – absence of accountant– Vendor were signed and delivered to the Treasurer

MOTION 07152014-11: To move into executive session under M.G.L. c. 30A, sec 21(3), To discuss strategy ith respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares.  
ROLL CALL VOTE: Arnold: YES, Kennedy: YES, Mandell: YES

Motion 07152014-14: To adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM.  Motion made by Arnold, seconded by Kennedy.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Respectfully Submitted,

Amy Bishop
Executive Secretary